Gay marriage

Gay Marriage

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I am a HUGE supporter of gay marriage. Why? Because there's nothing wrong with it. Gays and lesbians are HUMANS and deserve the same rights as straights. I don't care that marriage is supposed to be between a man and woman. so what? why deny gays their rights? it's so unfair to them. So many people, mostly religious people, hate them just because it goes against their beliefs. I'm not saying all Christians or whatever hate gays, it's just that some do.

There's nothing wrong with gay marriage. I know people that are homosexual, and they are not so different. They deserve to have the right to marry. Who cares about gender? seriously!

on a side note, gays DID NOT choose to be gay. They were born that way. It's not a disease either.

if you hate gays and are against gay marriage, answer this. How exactly does a gay marriage affect YOU? Why do you care about who other people marry?
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First - Don't ask, don't tell !

I neither support nor condemn homosexual marriages. ie I DON'T CARE !

"why deny gays their rights? it's so unfair to them."

What rights have been denied to them ?
Legality of Marriage is some states ? Let time take its own course!

"on a side note, gays DID NOT choose to be gay. They were born that way. It's not a disease either."

Please don't take the fun away.

For me, female-homosexuals are erotic and male-homosexuals are funny nothing else.
I don’t care/mind whether a person marries another person of same sex or opposite sex.



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More to the point, western civilisation is founded on religion. Marriage is a religious institution. So if the religious nuts say two dudes can't get together because it's not the definition of marriage, who are we to disagree??

Personally, the thought of some guy shoving his todger up my poop chute doesn't appeal to me one bit. Nor does the opposite.

Let them get married and have monogamous relationships, then in a few years we'll be able to say it's not genetics anyway...

Evolution, people... Survival of the fittest. Two guys can't reproduce. Religion doesn't like it either, what else is there? Evolution v creationism/religion v ... homosexualism? Is that the new debate? Or is it homosexualisation?

For me, female-homosexuals are erotic

Only the ones on tv. Have you seen the ones that protest for rights? There's a reason for that: the ones on tv have boyfriends ;-)


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Marriage is a religious institution? Really? I don't think so...If I get married I don't want any religious stuff going on in it

"Two guys can't reproduce." Well duh. but why do they have to? Some people get marry but they choose not to have children.


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they choose not to have children.

May be they have something wrong down south !

Everyone can produce !
Male - xy
Female - xx

All you need is a 'x' and a 'y' for male progeny and a 'x' and another 'x' for female progeny.

If x/y or x/x are from same organism/person, then it is cloning !


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yes, they choose not to have children. What's wrong with not wanting children? I don't want any.


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as a small "l" libertarian, i have no objection to gay marriage.

i am proud to live in a country where gay marriage is legal. i hope the united states will follow soon to legalize it once and for all.
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I think the idea that someone could be religious, and then believe that society needs to enforce social policies to keep the birthrate high is strange. I guess if your of the sort that needs more bodies to possess to win your religious "war", then the arguement for a high birthrate might be true. After all, if there aren't enough bodies, how can the "holy spirit" get in 'em? Especially if said "Holy Spirit" is a real slob on the battlefield.

As for gay marriage, I think that gay marriage has always been the norm in America. Just look at the Real Housewives. If that ain't "gay", I don't know what. Then look at NFL fans, surely they are the butchest people to every exist. Gay and Butch...that's what makes babies and keeps America strong.

As for regular dudes and gals marrying each other, it'd be nice gesture by society to count that as normal.

What I'd like to see is people who aren't the same height NOT being allowed to marry. I mean, what does it mean that your soul mate isn't at least around the same height as you? You have to stoop over to kiss them, that's soooo unromantic....
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I don't want any.
Don't wanna intrude, but any special reason(s) ?

As for gay marriage, I think that gay marriage has always been the norm in America. Just look at the Real Housewives. If that ain't "gay", I don't know what. Then look at NFL fans, surely they are the butchest people to every exist. Gay and Butch...that's what makes babies and keeps America strong.



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Yo guys, i don't mind gays and lesbians getting married, but doing it on the name of the lord is however offensive to us.

You guys ask for respect, some of us (like me) do it, but sometimes its a little over-board.

You guys are people too, you guys have the right to get married and all, but calling up religions is something dif.


Grim Squeaker
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Yo guys, i don't mind gays and lesbians getting married, but doing it on the name of the lord is however offensive to us.

You guys ask for respect, some of us (like me) do it, but sometimes its a little over-board.

You guys are people too, you guys have the right to get married and all, but calling up religions is something dif.

They do not want your blessings.
They do not want to force your church or temple or mosque to perform the ceremony.
They just want the piece of paper.

If you will accept a couple married by another religion or by a county clerk, they just ask you to accept their marriage too.


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I like the start of the religious stuff in here; forgive me, but I'd like to prod it along a little bit, since this is where I see the true center of debate for gay marriage

Growing up, I attended several parochial schools of differing denominations, and from what I can tell, the definition of marriage according to most religions might be an issue of contention here. I guess what I mean to ask is:
Do you think the government assumed the heterosexual definition of marriage due to the overwhelming Christian religious-majority in the States?
Do you think the issue would be better understood if a federal definition of marriage (for tax purposes, etc.) was considered separate from a religious definition (civil unions/"marriage licenses" vs. the pomp and ceremony found in religious, ceremonial marriages)? Or would that just snarl the issue immensely?


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I don't want any.
Don't wanna intrude, but any special reason(s) ?

As for gay marriage, I think that gay marriage has always been the norm in America. Just look at the Real Housewives. If that ain't "gay", I don't know what. Then look at NFL fans, surely they are the butchest people to every exist. Gay and Butch...that's what makes babies and keeps America strong.


Don't get me wrong, I don't hate children. I just think it'll be so hard, so troublesome. I'd rather focus on a career, not being a mother. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

You people against gay marriage, there are more things for you to worry about than two people of the same gender marrying. If they marry it won't hurt you, as I said before. and you'll just have to accept the fact that more and more people (I'm sure of this, sorry if I'm wrong) are accepting of gays and lesbians etc and there's nothing you can do.
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look at these arguments against it. most arguments against it is because of RELIGION.

considering that nearly all the arguments against homosexual marriage are based on religion - and the government is secular - those arguments really don't apply to any legal case against homosexual marriage and i won't even bother to cover them. so let's look out the few secular arguments against it and see how well they hold up.

argument #1 - if we allow gay marriage, then before we know it we will be saying "what's wrong with people marrying chldren/animals/etc?".
response: this is a perfect example of a slippery slope (aka camel's nose) logical fallacy. allowing one does not in any way indicate we will allow the rest.

argument #2 - marriage is for producing children.
response: tell that to all the married couples that are either too old, infertile, or do not want to have children.

argument #3 - if we allow gay marriage, we will have to redefine in society what marriage is.
response: so what? society changes over time. when we allowed interacial marriages, we had to redefine marriage within society and it hasn't caused any major social collapse.

argument #4 - but if everyone was gay, there wouldn't be future generations.
response: are you kidding me? with only about 1% of the population being gay, i'm not too worried about that. the same thing would happen if everyone born was female - and that's a more likely occurance and no one seems to worry about it.

argument #5 - but i think it's gross/disgusting/offensive/etc
response: so what? the price to living in a free society is you risk being exposed to things you don't like or are offended by. if everything that someone thought was disgusting or offensive was illegal, we would all be in prison. fortunately, no one has the right to not be offended.

If anyone is aware of any other secular arguments against it, feel free to post them for me.


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You know, I'm actually offended by anyone mentioning religion in the face of my love for my girlfriend. How dare you? Seriously?! According to YOUR religion I'm already damned to hell because I've been with another woman. That's just stupid and frankly, yet another fine example of the establishment trying to control the masses through fear and loathing.

What harm am I doing by being in love? I don't chastise you for loving a member of the opposite sex to which I find unattractive sexually. You don't see me running around shouting about how you shouldn't deserve rights, or how you can't be married or how you can't see your loved one in the hospital because you're not considered to be "family" by the ignorant masses or any number of so called "rights" you obviously take for granted. She is my soulmate and I am hers, so tell me, how is it that you have ANY right to tell me to whom I give my heart to? I certainly don't even begin to feel I have any right to say such things to you!

We are forced to suffer, I am forced to suffer. I live in a society that hates me, why? Because I love another of the same sex? That has got to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. All I wish to do is be with my love for the rest of my life. To live peacefully and happily, just like you! You can do these things whenever you feel like it. I on the other hand must suffer ridicule, neglect and downright hatred for my feelings... feelings... It's not right and it's not fair. We live in a country that is based upon fairness and rights bestowed upon us not by some God in the clouds, but rather by MEN in petticoats and wigs. Should I repeat that last one or did you get it the first time?

Leave us be, we're doing you no harm. If you think that you can't stomach the fact that I'm in love with a woman, then I guess the only thing I have to say about that is... too damned bad!

And now I leave you with something very near and dear to my heart, which beats just like yours. Remember, I have feelings, emotions, I love and am loved, just not by you apparently.



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thank you Jennacide, you are soooo right. I am straight, but I absolutely hate people that hate gays, lesbians, etc. and here's a simple solution for you guys against gay marriages. don't like it? then don't marry the same gender. who other people love and whether or not they're the same gender is none of your business whatsoever


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Thank you Jessica, your words mean more to me than anything else. It really warms my heart to know that not everyone in this world is lost and misguided. There might just be hope after all, but frankly I'm not holding my breath. I live in the U.S. and I honestly don't see this debate clearing up anytime soon. It's really sad to be honest. I get so much crap from my so called peers because of this, it's like living in hell. On average, I'm called a dyke so often it's ridiculous... Look at my profile, check out my pics, do I look like a "dyke" to you? Come to think of it, what exactly does a dyke look like? Is there really any way to truly measure that? Oh well, I guess the end all be all of it is that the bible thumpers of this world are simply never going to accept me because they'd rather blindly follow some tenants that honestly don't apply to modern society any longer. Even Jesus told us to follow the laws of the land and that's what makes "us" good Christians. Okay, not in so many words but it's certainly not an extrapolation based upon opinion.

Nevertheless, as long as there's organized religion in this world in it's present state, I will never find peace and neither will any of the over 21% of all Americans will either.


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That ain't rock 'n' roll... that's Jennacide. And that's the sort of thing that might make this a community if we're not careful.

Myself, I'm hetero enough to make your eyes hurt. Hetero enough to have understood for a very long time that I'm not likely to "catch gay" from anybody. Maybe I shouldn't have a dog in this fight (the status quo in most places, after all, very much favours me over those who differ from me, so why make waves?), but I do. Gay marriage is legal here, and has been legal for long enough to have become almost ordinary. Ordinary, that is, in the legal sense of things. But that doesn't mean that people -- individuals, families and sometimes friendships -- aren't being torn up over the issue.

Maybe there was a time when these prohibitions and taboos made sense. When the size and strength of your family and tribe made the difference between survival and extinction, then having people seem to drop out of the reproduction industry might have been a real danger. We're nowhere near that world anymore. The population of this planet has doubled in my lifetime, and we're getting to the point where reliably feeding all of those people over the long term is going to need the kind of restraint and cooperation that we've so far failed, as a species, to demonstrate. So let's take the "marriage is for having kids" thing off the table, shall we? (For Americans, that'd be, "lets table it". We keep our current business on the table; I have no idea where you guys are keeping it, or why you'd want a bunch of stuff you're ignoring on the table.) It's a spurious argument, and it won't be long before it becomes a suicidal one for the species.

As for religion, well, whose religion? There are a lot of them. If anyone is right, then at least one of them must be wrong. Maybe got the message a little garbled. Added a rule or two that didn't come directly from the Eternal. I'm an atheist, but I'm not an antitheist. Let us, for the purposes of this argument, presume a God. And for the sake of the traditions of my local culture, let's use the masculine form of grammar. The question then becomes: if God hates homosexuals so much, why did He make so many of 'em?

As for the tradition of marriage in the Christian church, well, the church never created the union. It was the job of the clergy to examine any legal impediments (fraternity, consanguinity, existing marriages), to determine whether each of the couple were entering freely into the union with the intent of remaining together permanently, then consecrating the union. The marriage already existed, the church merely blessed it while the community celebrated it. The Roman Catholic idea of marriage as a sacrament is relatively recent as these things go (it's post-Reformation). Civil definitions (the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others) were made by people who I don't think for a moment would have been able to conceive of gay couples wishing to marry.

Cripes, we're barely forty years past Stonewall. A quarter century ago there were a lot of people dying, a lot of emotionally damaged people who had lost the ability to form relationships because we wouldn't let them. I lost friends in those days, friends who believed to their roots that there was something wrong with them. AIDS was going to happen, period, but GRID spread the way it did because we created the conditions for it to spread.

It's about time for a great popping sound as millions upon millions of us pull our heads out of our butts and recognise that we all need to love and be loved. In the end, that's all that ever counts.


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Personally, I think that they should stop trying so hard for marriage rights. I'm not saying I don't support them, its just your not going to get anything from someone if you make them all combative. I think they should just put the pressure on them instead of trying to knock them out. You don't bend a steel rod with a hammer, you slowly push it into place if you want it to do what you want it to do.
I don't believe in a classical god, but I do believe that if there is something even remotely like one, he isin't going to judge you by the food you eat, or even who you love, but on what you would have done for humanity given a chance to do so. The people out there causing the problem would be condemned to hell. Just because a person loves a person of the same gender as them doesn't mean they aren't a living, breathing, human being having sound logic and reasoning, the two greatest gifts to humanity. It really is those who are against homosexuals that are devoid of these two things. I ask to all Christians, what would you do if the person you loved the most was gay or lesbian? I don't want any of your church bull, but what you know is right in your heart.
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