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True, very true
and this

and this
Cheryl :
Good. Glad to see these animal abusers/killers serving hard time. My only fear now is what happens when she gets out? If she's showing no remorse now and doesn't get some sort of treatment she's going to end up commiting more crimes like this.
01/26/2010 at 07:44:20 AM
Neo2627 :
This girl needs some serious mental evaluating! She is one sick *****! I don't think this was her first pony ride at doing something like this.Authorities should check anything demented and sick, that happened in the neighborhood were this chick lived;I bet she did it!
01/26/2010 at 08:14:10 AM
o said:
Surely she will give birth to her first 2 months before being released, and be ready to go on her return visit(s).
01/26/2010 at 08:32:49 AM
RubyRoses :
@tito yeah she's sick. No reason to be a ****ing racist.
01/26/2010 at 09:18:36 AM
Tammie :
This is an outrage. Race has NOTHING to do with this case! Cheyenne is a monster, through and through. Anybody ever heard of such notorious monsters as Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, or even Charles Manson? Anybody realize that THIS is a sure sign that a child or teen will evolve into a full blown homicidal monster as an adult?
To DELIBERATELY place an innocent animal in an oven and LAUGH while it claws at the oven and screams is a sign of pure, unadulterated evil.
Cheyenne Cherry needs to spend the remainder of her days in confinement - either in a prison or a mental ward. And she hopefully will burn in hell when her filthy soul leaves this earth.
Cheynne Cherry - you are pure garbage!
01/26/2010 at 11:13:11 AM
Suffering Succotash said:
Why is she being charged? Cats aren't really animals...they are a waste of space that could be occupied by a real pet.
01/26/2010 at 11:16:25 AM
Tammie :
Hey! I have a great idea! Maybe - if we're REALLY lucky -somebody in the system will make the next two years a pure living hell for Cheyenne Cherry! Let's take up a collection so we can offer anybody who kicks her @ss a big reward! Better yet, why not BURN her? She won't fit in an oven, but she can still be burned like the witch she is!
Just enough...to wipe that smirk off her filthy face.
01/26/2010 at 11:18:46 AM
Tammie :
Hey, Succotash...apparently you're as much as sicko as she is. Yeah, cats ARE animals. You don't have to LIKE a certain animal, I'm not nuts about snakes - but you don't have to inflict horrendous torture upon ANY creature. Regardless of the species.
All joking aside, Succotash, have you ever read up on the cases of horrendous serial killers? Most of them, if not all, started out committing horrendous acts of torture upon innocent animals. Dahmer, for instance, would tie up dogs and disembowel them while a group of terrified children looked on in horror. It only took a few years for him to graduate to killing humans...and we all know how the story ended.
Cheyenne is a serious case. This is not a case of a girl stealing another girl's handbag. She didn't "accidentally" run over an animal with a car. She INTENTIONALLY placed an innocent animal in an oven and stood by while it baked to death. She has absolutely no conscience. Her smirks and jeers are proof of that. Will she move on to doing this to babies in the future? Can she EVER be trusted again? Like Lynn Geter, who forced a child to murder a pet, Cheyenne also needs to have her tubes tied to make sure she never procreates. She's just too dangerous to be trusted with babies or children, now or in the future.
Some people just don't need to be here, inflicting havoc upon the rest of the human race - or species of animals, for that matter. We euthanize a wild animal that goes on a rampage...maybe we need to do the same with wild, animal type people who are hopelessly unable to function in society as a civilized human being. Let's bring back the medieval system of justice!
01/26/2010 at 11:32:09 AM
S in Chicago :
She should not get out of prision - she is in need of mental help. This is not normal - who can do something so horrific - absolutely disgusting. I know the pain of just a burn - dear God - what is happening to people. These girls need mental help - and should never be allowed back in public.
01/26/2010 at 11:45:48 AM
nikki :
wow,this is how Jeffery Dahlmer started his career.maybe she should never get out. eventually she'll graduate to humans.
01/26/2010 at 12:39:30 PM
Sam :
On one page a story about a girl cooking a cat a mom making her kid murder a hamster and a man raping his neighbors dog. America is not a safe place for animals either.
01/26/2010 at 01:47:15 PM
Maria :
Do everyone a favor- Kill this girl. No, better yet, put her in an oven and crank it up. This girl deserves to be tortured. My tax dollars are going to house her, feed her, and fix her???? WHY? There's no hope for an ANIMAL like her.I'd like to smack that smile right off her face. Good job to whoever raised this one. Another strong argument for abortion rights!
01/26/2010 at 01:55:50 PM
Tammie :
Well said, Maria! Well said. (Raising a glass to toast you!) Don't worry...this b!tch will get hers behind bars. The other inmates will make certain of that.
Quite honestly, I hope the next two years are nothing less than pure hell for her. She has to close her eyes sometime, and she'll need to let her guard down from time to time. There will be plenty of opportunity to rip her to shreds. I only wish I could go watch!
01/26/2010 at 03:47:24 PM
rocki :
Well, very opposite to all the well-wishers' opinions, it looks like she will be very popular in prison with her anti-authority attitude. She is not going to be burned in an oven, like in the 1600's when they burned "witches" at the stake, whew, those were the good old days. About $40,000 of your tax money will be spent on her to make her worse. The funny thing is, she is not actually the one who put the cat in the oven, it was the 14 year old's idea. She must be sicker, yet receiving less attention for negative behavior, because of her age, she may be better off. I have never heard of a female serial killer that started out like Jeffrey Dahmer, that's fascinating that people would put the two together in this case.
01/26/2010 at 05:59:51 PM
Maureen :
Tammie and Maria:
I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said! Believe me, Word will spread as to WHY she is in prison and the other prisoners will trat her accordingly!
Wait until she gets OUT of prison...SOCIETY WILL MAKE HER PAY, AND PAY DEARLY!!! People like US, will make sure of it!
01/26/2010 at 06:31:24 PM
C.C :
Characteristics of serial killers men/women
They are involved in sadistic activity or torturing small animals. It sounds to me like she needed a wake up call.
I'm not sure if she is sicker then the other girl, but she committed more crimes than the other girl did. She got two years for burglary, that's why she got two years in prison. She was almost 18,she could have gone back an taken the kitten out of the oven and she didn't. I heard on CNN that is why she got the punishment she did. She also had priors, that didn't help her case.
01/26/2010 at 06:42:34 PM
rocki :
Yes, she has robbery with a BB gun and I believe actual armed robbery with a knife or real gun. It's kind of obvious she gets attention from this negative behavior, look at her smiling, she loves it. But yes, she should have gotten the cat out of the oven but she was in the middle of trashing the other girl's apartment and if she would have been there, those girls probably would have beat the hell out of her, so I don't expect her to have any sense. But I just don't think she is a serial killer b/c her crimes are much more blatant and aggressive. Serial killers don't usually get caught for a long time b/c they want to be able to continue b/c they enjoy the act itself, not the attention they get from other people. They don't have normal emotions when it comes to other people. The fact that she wanted to get even with the other girl in a very showy way makes it seem like she has feelings.
01/26/2010 at 06:56:33 PM
C.C :
I misunderstood you. None of us knows if she is a serial killer? Doesn't look like it. I think she is just a punk. Some people are just defiant and believe that everyone owes them. That 14 year old brat that put the kitten in the oven I would be more concerned with her being a serial killer. I do agree with the others, it will not be a happy experience for Cheyenne in prison
01/26/2010 at 07:15:00 PM
rocki :
To all the wonderful retributionists, yes, we have let science, math, biology and psychology poison our minds. What happened to the simple days? When I could just start an ugly rumor about my neighbor when someone's peach tree died if I didn't like the way she looked at my husband. Then she would burned at the stake by an angry mob. Simple, problem solved.
01/26/2010 at 07:26:13 PM
worthless black slut :
putting a black girl in an oven is racist....so this piece of garbage black girl who killed a cat should be shoved into a volcano and let quickly fry to a crisp....or maybe thrown into a pit of snakes...or crucified like jesus; maybe she can even float into heaven like jesus afterwards.
01/26/2010 at 07:32:21 PM
rocki :
The oven would only be a racist solution if she were Jewish, not black. Do they have history books where you are?
01/26/2010 at 07:43:13 PM
majii :
It's not just African Americans that are abusing animals. There was a recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (ajc.com) about a young white teenager who injured a neighbor's horse by shooting it repeatedly with a BB gun. I'm AA, and although I think the crime is horrendous, I'm never going to suggest that the young man be burned in an oven, thrown headfirst into a volcano, boiled in hot oil, killed, etc. I own a beautiful tabby that I love, and I want all abusers of animals to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
01/26/2010 at 10:31:37 PM