Hey there,
I found this website that is incredible. For webmasters.
Now before I go on, You know that day when you first released your website, And it just look great.. From your view. Then someone posts that it looks ugly as anything in their browser, You notice you never heard of that browser.
The thing is, Why would you install 50+ of the popular browsers just to try out the site.
Im not trying to advertise but this thing is awesome, You type in your URL and on different OSes and Browsers it will load your site, take a screenshot, and post it up. That way you can see just how capadible your site really is. And what it may look like to some people.
Heres the site, Hope it helps other webdevelopers here out :3 : http://browsershots.org/
Heres it doing that on my site: http://browsershots.org/http://www.blacksharkstudios.com/
I found this website that is incredible. For webmasters.
Now before I go on, You know that day when you first released your website, And it just look great.. From your view. Then someone posts that it looks ugly as anything in their browser, You notice you never heard of that browser.
The thing is, Why would you install 50+ of the popular browsers just to try out the site.
Im not trying to advertise but this thing is awesome, You type in your URL and on different OSes and Browsers it will load your site, take a screenshot, and post it up. That way you can see just how capadible your site really is. And what it may look like to some people.
Heres the site, Hope it helps other webdevelopers here out :3 : http://browsershots.org/
Heres it doing that on my site: http://browsershots.org/http://www.blacksharkstudios.com/