Hi Everyone

Ben Rosser

New Member
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Hi Everyone,

I previously had a few sites hosted by X10 with a free account, but recently moved them all to a corporate X10 hosting package. I'm really happy with the speed and uptime of the new package, highly recommended!

My main site is Ben Rosser's Conservatorium of Audio, available at conservatoriumofaudio.com. I provide information and video tutorials on using professional audio software, as well as recording, mixing and music production. We look at software including Ableton Live 8 and products from Camel Audio, iZotope and Native Instruments. So if you are into audio then make sure you check it out.

I also have a site for my studio, Area593 Studio, which is available at area593studio.conservatoriumofaudio.com. It just has basic stuff about my studio and a few of my tunes for you to check out.

Thanks to X10 Hosting for their awesome service!!