How did the world really start?

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Ok Jake, how bout' setting the space station up now, and forgetting the saftey systems and sending you up :) . It would be more than 100. Its been over 100 years with airplanes and there still not perfect.


The Guy Everyone Hates
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Jake said:
we can almost live in space now, so really, i doubt more than 100 years before we have a fully functional and operational space station of over 10,000 people.

I agrre. in the next 100 years we may have people living on other planets on a base or something i think.(the moon) I hope also time will eventually become a non factor and we could get to pluto.


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I find this quote to be very true.

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" - Carl Sagan

As for populating other I don't see it happening ever. There is a greater chance of New York been under water before then due to global warming.


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well, we can fix global warming, it would just take a really really hard effert by everyone in the whole world... yah i doubt thats ever gunna happen...


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Jake said:
well, we can fix global warming, it would just take a really really hard effert by everyone in the whole world... yah i doubt thats ever gunna happen...

Global Warming was caused by humans. With coal and oil plants and then the ever growing population of people. More resources are needed and soon, maybe in the next 10,000 years, it will get worse and worse. Wars and such will happen. Etc.

I feel that whoever made this place is giving us one chance for man kind, and we are destroying it with everything we got. Cars, electricity and much more.

My point is that, if the world doesn't shape up and get their act together, our way future kids wont grow up as safe as we did.

*Off Topic

Holy cow I got a lot of points from that post. This site is awesome!
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Hybrid said:
Global Warming was caused by humans. With coal and oil plants and then the ever growing population of people. More resources are needed and soon, maybe in the next 10,000 years, it will get worse and worse. Wars and such will happen. Etc.

I feel that whoever made this place is giving us one chance for man kind, and we are destroying it with everything we got. Cars, electricity and much more.

My point is that, if the world doesn't shape up and get their act together, our way future kids wont grow up as safe as we did.

*Off Topic

Holy cow I got a lot of points from that post. This site is awesome!
And what would be so bad about there being no Earth? If we don't destroy ourselves somehow we're just going to suffer longer. Everyone's already suffering so much right now. Global warming or not, people are being murdered every day, some for no reason at all other than the murderer being a psycho. People are living homeless because they have no other options. There's people starving everywhere, who you know are in horrible pain until they finally die from not having enough food, if any at all. Most people here on Earth do care, but most of those people don't do anything. Maybe they can't afford to feed children in those countries going without food. Maybe they can't afford to spend money for an car not powered by gas, when they could get a gasoline-powered one for three times as less money. But there's also all those people with plenty of money, who think it doesn't affect them and it won't happen for a long time. Basically some people just don't care about what will happen in the future. It's selfishness. I know when I'm old enough to get my own car, sure I'm going to want to help the environment by buying an electric automobile. But you know what? I doubt I'll be able to pay for one.

What difference would it make if we all died right now? We'd just be gone. We wouldn't even be able to realize what happened because we'd be dead. Our bodies slowly decomposing, but our whole body shut down, no brain to think about anything. Those dead people buried in caskets, we'd be just like them. Unaware of anything, just like before we were ever born. So if we got wiped out, nobody would be able to care. We were created by pure luck, on a planet where we were able to live. But if it happened once it can happen again, and those people might just screw themselves over too. Maybe it's a neverending cycle. Perhaps there were humans before us, maybe on a planet we don't know about, or one that doesn't exist any longer. They probably had the same discussion as we're having now, maybe they wondered about the exact unanswerable questions we wonder about now.


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Hybrid said:
More resources are needed and soon, maybe in the next 10,000 years...
Try 100 years, thats if we stop Global Dimming (opposite to Global Warming) and not do any thing about Global Warming. But not all is lost yet, we have about 30-50 years before we reach the point of no return.

Koshimi said:
What difference would it make if we all died right now?
I believe it would make a huge difference, we have been given choice but what you choose determines our eternity. I choose to believe in Jesus Christ and the bible, because of that I have everything to gain and nothing to loose.

The fact is that everyone will die sooner or later and my job is to tell as many people as I can about the Good News so that they can make their choice.


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Jake said:
we were just talking about it, and we were saying that how would something so complicated as the human brain come out from an explosion, and who made the stars and stuff that exploded? :)

As for a primitive man electric power was magic, that is magic to us oO. Anyway when the hydrogen in the sun ends, we all blow up.
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The funny thing is this thread is just going to go in circles forever and ever. I don't need anything to explain to my why God is, he just is. In reality we don't really need an anwser, what we like is finding out the anwser, the search for the anwser. Think about it, would it be any fun if say tomorrow you found out the answer to how the world was created? Sure maybe for a couple of hours, but after that no. Who will you have long never ending disscuissions with? Where will the sense of mystery go that makes us so cool and well mysteryous on our origins? I think not really knowing at all and having faith in what you believe is better then knowing the anwser.

Jordan K

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THIS IS A 2 PART SEEING AS I EXCEEDED 10,000 characters.

Koshimi is the man. ;) I am sorry but on this one I will have to take Koshimi & sentinent's side. Religious theories have no proof... science has extensive proof and is gaining more every day.

As for the whole religion thing. I do NOT believe in a single bit of it, it's just that, simply that, and will always be that. In the time of religion, people had no knowledge of anything that surrounds us, we call this the unknown factor.

Now let me ask you this, why are people naturally scared of the dark? (answering my own question) Because we can not see in the dark, giving us the factor of unknow, because we do not know whats going on around us. That's just that. People are naturally afraid of what we don't understand.

So you're probably asking yourself, "where is he going with this?". Well, religion has explanations for everything that SHOULD have been "unknown" to us at its time. What did we do to solve our problems of fear? We invented religion, which could temporarily explain everything for us.

There was only one problem, it got out of control. The stories we constructed we constantly being changed and manipulated by other people passing the stories down from generation to generation, at which point people now "believe" them extensively. Over 1000's of years, passing down stories they sort of get, you know... altered? -- Anyone ever hear of a game called "telephone"?

As we entered the era of scientific discovery, we are constantly explaining the unknown factors of our lives, and slowly religious believers are slowly being assimilated. So far as it stands, EVERYTHING the bible was used to explain has already a physical piece of evidence in the scientific world, PROVING as real as you and me the point of their theory for that topic. The only thing that has not been explained is how we all got here, how it all started.

We are on the last frontier of religion's battle against science, and obviously because religion can not be altered today, it is only a matter of time before science advances to the point that we have factual proof of our creation.
(natural disasters were explained as god's will, whether he be angry or happy)

The day the discovery is made of our creation, religion will come to an end. This will be a time when all the people that believed in these fairytales (no different that Cinderella or Snow White) will relize the foolishness of the stories and how they never really did make sense. Though I am actually surprised how many religious believers have held on this long aswell as how many atheists have arrisen from a culture of all religious believers.

This is a BIG topic. But before I start I would like to say. This is a natural process. You must be thinking, "WTF?! He's wrong, we are creating global warming!"

Actually, in a way yes, and NO! Global warming IS a NATURAL process. But WTF? We are speeding up the process. The idea of global warming as a way for the earth to naturally refresh itself over so many millions or even billions of years.

The earth naturally increases it's temperature gradually over so many years, giving everything that inhabits it time to evolve to survive the changing climate. So what are we doing? There are natural gases in our atmosphere that are used to protect us from the sun aswell as keep heat in so we don't freeze our ****ing asses to death. One of these gases is Carbon Dioxide. Carbon dioxide is in ALL living things, it works its way up the food chain through things that take it in (such as plants). When plants or animals die, over thousands of years, the decomposition of the remains gets fossilized and further decomposes into what we now know as fossil fuels (and that's exactly where it gets its name).

So now that I gave you the big lesson, can we finally get to the part that states what we are doing? YES! We are burning these fossil fuels, releasing the carbon dioxide into the environtment. But the problem is that we already have sufficient carbon dioxide in the environment, adding more and more increases the effectiveness of the atmostphere. This is a naturally occuring phenomenon that happens because the atmosphere as it was before the industrial era, was trapping more heat than it was releasing. This extra amount it was trapping, is fairly small, that's why it SHOULD naturally happen over millions of years.

Think of it like a race, we are slowly moving towards another ice age. We can not stop this process, no matter what we do and we certainly can NOT reverse it. So, burning fossil fuels is like cheating or giving us a booster. This could possibly cut the time that we have until another ice age in half, or maybe even in in a third.

So what I am saying is...

Jake said:
well, we can fix global warming, it would just take a really really hard effert by everyone in the whole world... yah i doubt thats ever gunna happen...

I think you need to make google your new best friend.

Richard said:
As for populating other I don't see it happening ever. There is a greater chance of New York been under water before then due to global warming.

If we don't, we all die. Where is your "god" then?

Hybrid said:
Global Warming was caused by humans. With coal and oil plants and then the ever growing population of people. More resources are needed and soon, maybe in the next 10,000 years, it will get worse and worse. Wars and such will happen. Etc.

I already explained that no matter what, global warming is inevitable. There will be no wars, the United States already commercially and offensively dominates this world. It is only a matter of time before they arise to power. But..but....NO! That's just it, no country will do anything. Everyone fears them. They control the U.N. anyways.

Hybrid said:
I feel that whoever made this place is giving us one chance for man kind, and we are destroying it with everything we got. Cars, electricity and much more.

You are going to have to suck it the **** up and either help or get out of the way. Without the technology we have today, we have no chance of surviving. Even if it means not having the technology and having our race live another 500 million years before the second Ice Age happens from natural global warming. But with the technology today, we have the ability to live through an ice age or even escape this planet before it does happen. Once we master interstellar transport. It's game over, we win. And even if the global warming doesn't bring us an Ice Age soon, we have a numerous amount of super volcanoes on this planet, each one having the capability to give us an ice age if erupted with full capability. Which brings me to meteors. We are overdue for a meteor collision, which can also cause an ice age.

Hybrid said:
My point is that, if the world doesn't shape up and get their act together, our way future kids wont grow up as safe as we did.

You are not as safe as you think you are, I explained two other ways of getting an ice age above (both of which do not include global warming) that we are OVERDUE for.

And when one of these disasters finally do happen, who will be there to save you? Not & technology will be what saves us from these disasters.

Richard said:
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" - Carl Sagan

If the world was created at the time of Adam & Eve, why exactly are there fossilized dinosaur remains and rocks dating back billions of years? People have only been on this earth 10,000 years. I am pretty sure that is "evidence of absence".

So as ending my post which took around 2 hours to write (with bathroom and TV breaks in between), I ask you... when the end of the EARTH comes, the end of everything you know & love. Where will god be then? Who is going to save you? People will save themselves, with science & technology. And I can't wait to see the day that religion is dropped, so we can carry on with our lives and advance faster than we do with religious set backs.

Jordan K

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THIS WAS ONLY 1/2 of the reason for religion.
The other half is real short. The 10 commandments, you know how I said that people fear the unknown? The 10 commandments were created as a way to control chaos without justice systems. They install fear into people thinking that they will be punished by god if not followed, and it's simply just that. Sure religion served it's purpose at the time before we had governments and I thank its creators for that, but now we don't need it anymore. Yet some people just can't let go.

So I ask you this after reading my entire post, what proof do you have god really exists? The dinosaurs were never mentioned in religion (probably because the prophets didn't know fossils at the time) but what does this tell us? Dinosaurs being around before people is PHYSICAL PROOF that Adam & Eve were never created at or shortly after the earth was created.

We are animals ladies & gents. just like other things that live out there in the wild. What sets us apart is intellect and why should the whole universe be centered around human beings like it states in religion? It just isn't like that.

There is NO proof that god doesn't exist, but he is merely a character in a story and these stories are PROVEN to be false, which makes the story fictional, if the story is fictional what does that make a character in it?

Anyways, finally through my post, ONCE AGAIn I ask you. What proof do you have god exists?


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it's a combination of science and religion
God made the elements for the bin bang.....thats it, u can't make materia from nothing

Jordan K

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There was no "elements" of the big bang, every atom contained all the attributes of all the different types of atoms today. The big bang just split these apart making unbalanced atoms "elements" (atoms of only one type).

And sure, that makes enough sense to cut it down the middle, but the only problem is that when I round house kicked god in the face and created science, my name isn't in any stories. :crying:

Anyways, this thread is around a month old, please don't re-open old threads & make sure you check the dates next time. Closed.
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