Looking at the code now. Why do you have a DOCTYPE and another <head> tag within the body tag? And why do you have a src attribute on a <a> tag? Instead, try using <iframe> or something like that, with the src attribute of the iframe set to a page with the generated PHP code.
You should use the <object> tag paired with an <embed> tag for Flash. <iframe> does not have a mimetype, and that means recognition that it's Flash fails in many browsers.
Why is there a obvious link to your error log? That should be kept private, and cleared on occasion.
Wiki-ENO loads for a while. You should use the email supplied by your CPanel for email, not a gmail. But nice design for the wiki, anyways. Good job nailing the same sort of style Wikipedia uses.
Suggestion is spelled like that, LOL email spelling fail.
What's the point of viewing uptime for ENO on the site? Add something useful here like a visitor count or guestbook.