1. To which account did you add medrpt.com ?
......First I added it as a Parked Domain to uturnranchcountrystore.x10host.com (by mistake)
- - - this worked fine medrpt.com took me to the U-Turn page with the medrpt.com in the address - Great
.....I Deleted the Domain medrpt.com from the U-Turn Domains and eventually was able to set up a Parked
- - - Domain for medrpt.com on the proper paul.x10host.com site
.....I went into the DB and set "siteurl" in "wwp_options" to medrpt.com and then (now) to
.....NOW the medrpt.com takes me to the proper paul.x10host.com site but, with that in the address vs: the medrpt.com in the adddress
2. Did you add it as an add on or a parked domain?
.....Parked Domain
3. You should not have added any "redirects", period.
.....I set GoDaddy to redirect trying to get to the paul.x10host.com site - was going to Coming Soon or something.
.....Now, GoDaddy only has the nameserver and no redirect
4. If it is a parked domain and it is the same account as paul.x10host.com --
Go to your wordpress admin page and sign in
Left side - Settings - General ---->
.....GREAT - Now I can't Log-In on the paul.x10host.com/wp-admin - just takes me to the paul.x10host.com page
- - - the Log In under the META widget on the side-bar, refreshes the screen but, takes me to the same place
SORRY to be such a pest - could this have anything to do with my changing the "siteurl" in "wwp_options" to
- - - medrpt.com and then (now) to http://medrpt.com