Disable your caching plugin if you can - you're triggering HRU suspensions for excessive CPU. It's only spawning 1 thread per view, but that 1 thread is taking 35%+ of the CPU available to the server and doing so for extended periods of time.
The page that caused this to suspend is changing; in one case it was
http://semprelaquiz.x10.mx/online-test-menu/ , in the next it's just the regular index page - that would generally indicate a plugin, and caching plugins are first to blame. I also noticed I can see 2 installed - advanced-cache.php, and quick-cache, so there's definitely a risk here. If you can't get into Wordpress to disable them, rename the plugins folder inside wp-content to plugins2 or something similar, and WP will assume no plugins installed, or if you prefer, delete the two folders for the cache plugins, and that should solve it too
In any case, it's unsuspending again shortly.