how to request diskspace sir? plz answer me
Q qoreze New Member Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Points 1 Jan 6, 2022 #1 how to request diskspace sir? plz answer me
Anna I am just me Staff member Messages 11,768 Reaction score 590 Points 113 Jan 6, 2022 #2 The service on the account first need to be at least 7 days old, then you need to use about 75% of the initial allotment and the account needs to be in par with our ToS, meaning at least an attempt to make a working website needs to be done.
The service on the account first need to be at least 7 days old, then you need to use about 75% of the initial allotment and the account needs to be in par with our ToS, meaning at least an attempt to make a working website needs to be done.