If you travel faster than light, what happens?

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Light travels in photon packets, So if we get to travel at that speed or faster, we go up in flames. What's the word again... auto-combustion?

It's spontaneous combustion. And no, you won't burst into flames because A: space is a vacuum mostly sans oxygen and B: the molecular bonds whch bind your corporeal atoms would disintigrate first. In other words, you'd vanish before getting a chance to burst into flames.

Quite a few accurate explanations in this thread but also several misunderstandings, which unfortunately, I've no time to clarify. Suffice to say...

You can travel faster than light, assuming space itself is travelling with you. The answer lies within matter itself and more importantly, dark matter.
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Supposing you were traveling near the speed of light there would be the issue of time dilation. While from your reference you would make it to store quickly from the rest of the worlds reference you may not get there before closing.


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I heard about that, the Germans wont publish it though if i remember correctly, only on the basis that they dont want to be "the ones" who actually proved there are speeds above the speed of light, cause that would pretty much destroy modern physics lol.

i like the perspective of the question though, yes if you were to witness someone moving faster than the speed of light, chances are you would witness a person disappearing and re-appearing. although it would be interesting as to what the person, who is moving from point to point b, would actually see


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They just proved that objects with mass can travel faster than light ... it has been all over the news
The thing is, nothing in science is really proven as such, in the sense that theories come and last for as long as they are supported by experimental data. However, one anomalous result that can be repeated and verified can result in having to reformulate new theories that explain these new results. Of course, this doesn't neccessarily make the old theories and models useless; after all, they still use the model of electrons orbiting the nucleus like the planets around the Sun as its easier to teach kids and explains the science they teach at that level.
With regards to CERN's announcement, they still need to verify the results, as it could be experimental error. I think they said that could take up to a year or so.
So no, they haven't really properly proved it yet.


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Couldn't this be entirely debatable on which way your going?

North/South: Cause utter freezing

West: Go back in time

East: Future, anyone?

At least that's my opinion, if your going around the earth.


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Couldn't this be entirely debatable on which way your going?

North/South: Cause utter freezing

West: Go back in time

East: Future, anyone?

At least that's my opinion, if your going around the earth.

I haven't seen any science that proves rotating about any massive body has any effect other than the ones previously mentioned in this thread. It would seem like rotating around the earth perpendicular to its axis and crossing the international date line thousands of times per second would put you in the future or in the past, but you're only changing your FRAME OF REFERENCE and not the ACTUAL TIME. If you had a watch that instantly updated it's time based on your geographical location, as you moved about the earth you'd see that the local time would always change but if you set your watch to use GMT time it would always be the same time constantly increasing at the rate appropriate for your given velocity.

Temperature is a localized average of vibrational energy in matter. When you are in Antarctica, it's cold because there's not a lot of heat energy stored in the environment, so the atoms of your body at a higher vibrational energy transfer some of their energy to the environment, slowing the matter in your body and speeding up the matter in the environment. You lose the atomic heat energy and it makes you cold. If you move to the equator, the environment (most likely) will have more heat energy and the collisions of the environment and your mass will increase the atomic heat energy of your mass, warming you. However, neither of these have virtually any effect if you consider all of the energy involved in moving at c speeds. Ignoring everything else, you'd probably end up losing energy since most of the world is not at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or higher at any given time, but this would be well above the ~-460 degrees Fahrenheit required for absolute zero.

The only unusual effects are very fast speeds cause time to slow for a moving object until time ceases to pass at c with the possibility of time moving in reverse above c, which is still conceptually impossible for objects above the weight of a neutrino.

In my opinion, I feel like I can say it's impossible to observe any of the effects you have mentioned with a very high degree of certainty.
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I think it was meant to be funny ... if you go east to west technically an hour drops every so many miles ... get it hahaha lol


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My idea is you would become invisible since we see reflected light also anything you touch would become a missile because of your kinetic energy. Time would never pass. Even though it is a scientific postulate that light is the fastest existing force it would be awesome being like Flash.


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I know this is a pretty pointless point to make, but:

Why bother going faster than light in the first place?

Why not just attempt to construct a womhole device (i.e. a "stargate") at the Departure locale, and another at the Arrival locale, dial the gate out from the Departing zone and in to the Arriving zone, and then step through the gate (provided you can stabilize a friggin black hole on one end and a white hole on the other, with all wormhole passage between, and not have it collapse before you're all the way through and have been vomited out the other end... and forget about the Iris too or you'll find yourself in a situation very alike with subspace suicide...) and be where you need to be, without getting stretched crazy by the wierd physics of FTL travel?

I think it's a more plausible solution, provided you have the balls to screw around with subspace physics and Planck energies... etc.

I must have had way too much sugar this morning, or else my brain wouldn't be going this far to ridicule a crazy discussion in the first place... Mew.

Have a nice day.

(Yes, I'm a BIG Stargate fan. I've seen at least a full season of each series on TV or on DVD (SG1, SG Atlantis, and SGU) and have watched a full Ark of Truth and parts of the original movie (from the '90's). I am also eager to finish off the SGU story when it resumes in 2014/2015...)


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simple...... you will become blind :( the world will be dark... light travels slower than u right ????


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**yes I am aware that this is an old topic, but it is way to yummy to resist ^^**

well, that would depend on how far away point B is in reference to point A

assuming it if further away than 299,792,458 meters, then it would take more than a second.

second, the energy to accelerate to 299,792,458 m/s would not be infinite, really high, sure!, but not infinite.

and even if you would succeed, you would need a HUGE vacuum not to disintegrate, and no, you cannot use space.
because there is dust and debris everywhere and thus you would get hit and rip into pieces, and on earth, forget it. the friction from the oxygen would rip you into pieces.
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