I had my disk space increase on 11/05/2019 and did a bit of cleaning up preparing to add an application to my website. However when I went to upload the new application I found myself having errors with low disk space, looking into it it seems that my disk space has been lowered from 1GB to 512MB would it be possible to have this restored to 1GB and if possible I'll also apply for the next increase.
also what does non upgraded accounts mean on the above post quote from the TOS is an upgraded account a premium account?
Hosting accounts may not be used to store backups, personal files, or non-web accessible files. Any files hosted on the account must be directly related to the website the account is intended for. Files over 10MB in size will be automatically removed from non-upgraded accounts.
also what does non upgraded accounts mean on the above post quote from the TOS is an upgraded account a premium account?
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