Initial site nearly up ...

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Hiya. I have finally got my site up and running, well, almost. There are problems i need to address, and will get to it in a few days.
In the meantime, i would like to find out if i am able (with a free account) to upload a second site, which is very nearly like the first one, but with numerous design changes. A lot of alterations were done, and i'd like to upload it as well, for a potential client to have a look at. Only I don't know the process.
I have been posting under bluejeanbaby until now, but it seems my quota has been reached with the first site and I can't get at my mail.
I suppose the logical thing would be to delete the first one, which is okay, now that i can see how things are working (or not working), and just upload the second one in it's place?
I don't really know how all this stuff works (huge learning curve, getting a little more day by day), so what i mean to say, is that i can see several options ...
So, the main thing would be the process ... upload a second site, or delete the first and upload the second in it's place ...
I'm not sure how all these things affect the server, and i don't wish to make any errors, or create problems where i shouldn't.
Thanks muchly in advance ... Marth


x10Hosting Support Ninja
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You could simply upload your second site to a separate directory. For example, have you main site in public_html, and your second site in public_html/site2.

Alternatively, if you have purchased your own custom domain name from another registrar, you can follow this guide.

Thank you,


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Oh, i just hate bothering you guys. I just don't wanna mess things up. I tried just deleting the files in my cpanel, and then uploading the new files. However, it seems my directory has become confused. There are folders where they shouldn't be ... and of course, as a result, the new files aren't working. How do i delete folders? Or at least rearrange ... i can move and delete files, but not folders.


x10Hosting Support Ninja
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I took a look at your files and I'm not seeing any files located in /public_html, where the files need to be uploaded to. However, I noticed there are a few website files located in /. If you want to make these files visible, they need to be uploaded to /public_html/.

As for deleting files, you could delete them from the cPanel File Manager or using an FTP client of your choice (most common is FileZilla).

Thank you,


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Yes, I'm using Cyberduck, and that totally worked. I was able to delete the unnecessary folders and such. However. Yesterday, when i uploaded the first site, it went into the www folder all by itself. Isn't that where the files should reside? Except that when i went to the url, i came first to the directory, then had to physically click on the www folder to show the site. So, now that i've had this executive meeting with myself, i realize that you're correct and the files need to go to public_html and not public_html/www ... is that right?


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Well, you guys haven't heard from me for oh, about 12 hours or so now. Which mean ... success!! I'm quite happy with the result, althought there are still a few problems, like buffering and streaming, which I hope I'll get through soon. But i sent off the url, and now, we wait. But hopefully, i will be purchasing this service very shortly.
Your time and patience was completely invaluable to me throughout this learning curve, and I can't thank everyone who helped me enough. And bravo to your service for being there for people like me, both for providing this free service when in time of need, and for the support that came along with that, which was truly phenomenal. Extremely prompt and polite. I truly hope it wasn't me who caused maintenance. :cat: Purring like a cat,
Martha S. Lawton


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Okay, here i go again. I've installed a m4v in my site, which i had then converted to flv to make the file smaller. It cut the size of the file in half. However, the buffering and streaming of the thing is insane. And then it just stalls about a quarter of the way in. My question is this. I'd like to convert back to m4v, which apparently will enable the vid to be seen on iOS devices as well as regular desktops, laptops etc. I have made a new file, lowered the bitrate, lowered the resolution, but my file didn't get any smaller. It has returned to it's original size of 1.5gb. Actually, it was 1.7 to begin with. I could surely use just a little more room to be able to upload this for my trial proposal site. What are my chances of this happening? I seriously don't want to cut anything out of the video ... the idea is to show a constant stream of music and the content is of particular importance ... and it's already looped. I'd have to remove at least half the content, which i don't want to do. Thanks again guys.
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Community Advocate
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Unfortunately, Free Hosting (or even the ordinary Premium shared hosting) really isn't suitable for streaming video. What we normally suggest is that the video be hosted on another service (YouTube, Vimeo or similar), and then included on your page(s) with just the HTML for the player. (Your video host will usually provide the embedding code for each video on upload.) Not only does that ensure that the video is hosted on servers optimized for video streaming (including automatic resolution/compression/format switching depending on the users' device, OS and connection speed), but it dramatically reduces your requirements for web hosting as well (which can move northward of $50/month in a heck of a hurry, even for a smallish site).
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