Quite honestly, I wouldnt buy from your site. Its to simple looking. People are more willing to buy from a site thats more professional looking, hence why people are scammed quite easily. Try going away from the purple color scheme for something more dark like was suggested above. Since you are selling lights, go for some contrast with a dark template. Change your heading. The soft yellow text, change it to something like "High intensity LEDs!" or something. Change the menu style. Also you can't have an upload form on your site. Take it off before an admin suspends you. Also have the price stand out more. And I'll give you some advice from my business classes. Odd prices such as 19.99 is thought to make people think of a "deal". Even pricing such as 19.98 is supposed to communicate "quality. Maybe you want to have some sort of deal where people but 2 get 1 free or a discount on the third, or coupons or something. I have made plans for coupons and such when I start my own little business, if you need help with the business aspects im here to help. Center it. 1 last thing I noticed, change your form to include:address, postal code, phone number, state etc, like a form people would be more used to. Thats about it.

good luck and pm if you need any assisstance.