My site is Dragoneye's Lair, which is a little somethin' that I've been working on since the summer (and has been hopping from hosting service to hosting service since then, too -- hopefully, this is where it stops). It isn't about anything in gerneral -- it's more like a Swiss Army Knife -- there are many things you can do on there, and as people either submit ideas to me about things to add, I'll go and add those ideas to my site (or at least the ones I know how to make).
Right now, it should be at
http://dragoneye.x10hosting.com/ but I had to get it changed so if that is not working, try
Here is some information about what I have on there right now.
[Dragoneye's Mini-Browser]
The Mini-Browser is really nice, and has the basic features of a normal web browser except refresh, which has been added to the Integrated Bypass.
The Integrated Bypass, just in case you're wondering -- especially admins -- was added so I can extend the features of the Mini-Browser by bypassing that annoying feature in most browsers that won't allow a parent page to pass script commands (like Refresh) to a frame that's not on the same website (domain) as the parent. That means I can add features like refresh, bookmarks, history, email this page, print, etc., without getting that "Permission Denied" error from my web browser for trying to make it access something that's not in the same place. The only bad part about this is because it makes everything look like it's coming from the same place, it's capable of getting through some filters, too, which mean people try to use it with bad intentions, so I'm going to install a logging script into the Integrated Bypass to keep track of where people are going with it for and then have it add anything that I don't like or looks suspicios to the blacklist. The logger will only log the domains (IE,
www.google.com, games.yahoo.com, etc) and nothing else afterwards, so you don't have to worry about anything personal showing up in the logs. And just to prove this, I will even post the source code of the logger here once I get it set up so you can try it yourself to see if it's going to log anything personal or not. It won't log IP addresses either until there's a problem or unless the administrator of x10hosting suggest that I do.
[Dragoneye's Mini-Chat] :rant2: :metallicb :wiggle: :ughdance: :hsdance:
This is a chat system I made, where you can come in and talk to you buddies and stuff. I put some nice features in it, including double-slash commands, tattoos, and some basic private messaging. Also, I recently added a smart-refresh feature, too, so it doesn't keep flickering every three seconds, it only refreshes when someone talks, or every 20 seconds, whichever comes first. Now, if only x10hosting's server would stop pausing every
random(30) minutes so people can actually rely more on it and not have to get mad when everyone's connections time out.
[Chat Lair] :rant2: :metallicb :wiggle: :ughdance: :hsdance:
Another chat room, but this one is IRC and hosted by someone else, and requires Java.
[Webpage Center] :bash: [Locked Folders Availble:lockd:]
People can ask me for a folder in here and they can use the page editor or the file manager to create little webpages for themselves or to show off to their friends. Or you can just store your personal stuff in here as long as it doesn't involve "
ta-tas" :hsnono: , "
bones" :hsnono: , and anything else that x10hosting will get mad about.
BTW - there's no charge, so all you have to do is just ask me for a folder and a username/password and as long as I and the hosting service approves of your site or what's in your folder, then there ain't no problem.
[Downloads and Links]
Just a place where you can find, share and advertise downloadables and links. If you have a website, you can tell people about your site here.
[Games] :bigok:
Do I really have to explain what this is? The only thing I have to say about the games section is to try out the game I made, "Repeat Me," and see if you can beat the champ's high score in there. Last time I checked it was me, but it may of changed since you read this long-#@$ post.
[Music] :hsdance: :ughdance: :wiggle: :dancingwt :eek4dance :runaway: :hsughr: :kdubbd: :dancingna :embarasse
Some stuff to listen to while you browse around. I will start adding things (maybe even some music videos) soon when I get my new system sitiate--situated.
That's about all I have to say about my site right now. I hope you enjoy it!