Most Influential People


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Who do you believe the most influential people in all history were and why? This can be from any country, any time period.

Here are my tops:

Henry Ford - created the idea of the assembly line which is used in almost all industries now.

Bill Gates - created the leading computer operating system.

Adolf Hitler - although his influence was bad, he was still very influential and many people followed him.


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You took mine!

That is, except for Hitler, but I definitely understand what you mean. He did horrible things, but he did, in the end, do exactly what he said he was going to. He promised the people of Germany that he would help them out. He never really said exactly how, and he had his own little agenda, but he did get a lot of supporters and people who believed very much in him.

Here's my top 3:

Steve Jobs:
Very popular. In my opinion, Microsoft should be watching out for Apple, they seem to be very innovative in the past few years... (iPhone, iPod touch, iPod nano with Video.. etc.). Jobs and his company have been keeping Microsoft and Bill Gates on their toes for a while now. Heck, even my English teacher is a former Apple employee. We had a long discussion about Apple and how it's doing today. (yay for wasting class).

President Obama: Although I completely disagree with everything he has done, plans to do, and probably will do, he is very influential. People have compared him to Hitler in his way of talking (ie. the shirt I have "Hitler made great speaches too"). I must say that he is very influential and has a way with words that make people like him. I personally don't like his morals, ethics, or anything else. But I have to give him "props" for being great at making people believe the garbage that comes out of his mouth. ;)

The Creators of Twitter: Lots of say-so there. I personally use twitter and love it. It's a great way to communicate with people - down the street, or around the world. I've met people in places I probably won't ever visit, and even people that are in my state that I'll never meet. But The creators of this awesome social networking platform have taken a lot of crap, and as a result, have come out on top and are leading (in my opinion). Well, it's really a tie with facebook. MySpace is just a waste of time. (Notice I didn't put Tom on this list. haha)

So yeah.. There's mine. :)


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All 3 people you sited actually exploited the work of others.

Ford strung other people's engineering together.

Gates ripped of his buddies and marketted it.

Hitler used tried and tested methods for social manipulation and was nothing without the financial support of the banks, vatican and wall street. The public figure head for a ruthless buiness venture.

My parents raised me in an economic slump, they provided for me and tended to my basic needs. My Grandfather has been a stable influence in my life and all that I achieve in life is in part do to their influence.

To me they are the most influential peope in history, my history, not just them, but I have met wonderful people who have helped me to figure out who and what I am and helped me to decide what would be the better way for me to act in many scenarios.

I in turn have been rather influential, considering my Youth and Community career background.

There are few real role models in our history books, mainly because the victors wrote them.

Peopel liek Ford capitalised on the toil of men and took glory, squeezed everyone else out and set teh scene for the modern day sweat shop. A hero?

People like Ghandi are often sited in this type of discussion.

Ghandi, the hero who split India in 2, the desire of the British Empire and look today... Kashmir is still disputed, people are still dying, the British Empire still have what they wanted but somehow Ghandi has no blood on his hands?

Had Martin Luthor King not been shot in the head would we know him for who he was or what we want to believe he was? A black supremacist? An equal rights activist?

Kennedy got his head blown off too and it conveniently wiped his mafia, bootlegging and womanising activities from the iconic history he has become.

Was the a-bomb the best invention ever or the worst?

When the first TV was aired do you think the inventor ever foresaw the manner it is used to control, manipulate and distract the masses?

Al Gore claims he invented the internet, but I laugh. Do you think for a second the likes of Al Gore, Rothschild, QE2 Ford, Rockefeller, Cheney, Blair appreciate the fact we can expose their lies, their crimes, their intent?

We are writing our own history books for the first time in history. We are able to find out for ourselves who Ford was, what Hitler did and who with.

The history books of the future will no doubt be a huge mass of pointless material that collectively give a snapshot like no other.

What really happened?
Our history books only illustrate what powerful people have decided it to be.
Poetic licence at best, lies, propaganda and deception.

The history books of the future have much more potential because we an all write them. Keywords and related materials being compiled with ease.

Maybe in the future people will learn how to step out of the illusion and then learn how to be the hero, the role model, the icon of tomorrow?

Maybe the Hitler of tomorrow will become the intolerable man of today and will be ousted and forgotten.

On a positive note:
History has gone and the future is ours


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In all history, eh? Well, I'd have to go with:

Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, and Gautam Buddha.

Why you ask?
Well, if it weren't for them, the world would be (at least in my opinion) very very different today. History would look nothing close to how it does now... and the fat buddha statue would never have developed, leaving us with the prospect of never rubbing one of their bellies ever again.


Grim Squeaker
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Passing the religious entries:

Johannes Gutenberg: The introduction of the printing press to Europe meant the wide discemination of knowledge.

Isaac Newton: Calculus, gravitation, mechanics

Ts'ai Lun: Inventor of paper making. Again, the basis for the swift spread of information.
Al Gore claims he invented the internet, but I laugh.

I laugh too, because he never said that. But people keep repeating it.

And as to your take on Gandhi and partition, Gandhi was against it.

[The demand for Pakistan] as put forth by the Moslem League is un-Islamic and I have not hesitated to call it sinful. Islam stands for unity and the brotherhood of mankind, not for disrupting the oneness of the human family. Therefore, those who want to divide India into possibly warring groups are enemies alike of India and Islam. They may cut me into pieces but they cannot make me subscribe to something which I consider to be wrong [...] we must not cease to aspire, in spite of [the] wild talk, to befriend all Moslems and hold them fast as prisoners of our love

It was the Indian National Congress's failure to share power with the Moslem League that led to partition. It was probably inevitable anyway.
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In all history, eh? Well, I'd have to go with:
Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, and Gautam Buddha.

War is sooo Prophetable, or is that profit?

Was it not for these 3 figures how many women would have been burned at teh stake, stoned ot death or treated like meat?

Was it not for these 3 figures nearly 2 billion people on teh planet would be more inclined to 'think' for themselves and figure out what is right and wrong with this sick planet.

Barely a single war has taken place in 2000 yrs that has not had religion as an excuse / reason / contributing factor.

Sadly the backwards nature, the hypocracy inherent in the modern day representation of htese religions make it easy to use them for prophet, i mean profit.

9-11, 7-7 are 2 prime examples.
If ISLAM was morally just the followers would not be so easily portrayed as maniacs and then blamed for these ruthless false flag business deals.

Jesus was actually one of the least influential people.

He was forgotten about, if he ever even existed.
The icon was invented by rich men to scare the poor and here we are today... 1 billion Catholics who are oblivious that ther icon is just a fary tale written by their slave masters.

The fairy tale has influenced billions, the real guy may never of lived, if he did he was nothing special because nobody remembered or commemorated him.

So in my opinion you have presented 3 more fake icons.

False History and fraudulent heroes.

Certainly not a role model for my children.
I laugh too, because he never said that. But people keep repeating it.

Not word for word, no...

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

He has implied numerous times that he and his criminal buddies were at the front when it comes to developing the infrastructure and the likes.

BUT. His input is one of money for more money. He has invented nothing that I am aware of, well except for the lies about 'Climate Change' and even that is not solely his, but a consortium of rich criminals who are feeding off of our misery.

Al Gore is a billionaire and has a huge chunk of shares in Google, arguably owns a piece of a corporation that is always trying to re-invent the internet, but again... Money Gore, not Script-Kitty Gore...

[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Bookman Old Style,Arial][SIZE=2"]

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Grim Squeaker
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You know, you seem to have confused "influential" with "met allofus' standards".

With all due respect, your parents are not influential in historic terms. Neither are you.


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You know, you seem to have confused "influential" with "met allofus' standards".

With all due respect, your parents are not influential in historic terms. Neither are you.

With all due respect, nice...

Actually you have taken your idea of influential and tried to project it onto me.

Most people who are generally considered to have been influential are not recognised for who and what they really are, just figure heads for a ruthless 'elite'.

I am quite aware that criminals like FORD will only remain influential whilst people continue endorsing them.

People in my life have done more good things than any one of these 'iconic' figures mentioned in this conversation and just because they are not yet in history books does not mean they will not be remembered for good things. They may be the influential people remembered in tomorrows history.

Or maybe people will continue to live a stupid dream, idolise liars and cheats and history will go on repeating it's self.
Who do you believe the most influential people in all history were and why? This can be from any country, any time period.

See, the question is "Who do I believe".

Not "Who do you think others will believe".

I stated why.

I thanked jtwhite for starting this topic because I appreciated the opportunity to express my opinion. I know that this is often difficult for people because they have not actually stopped for more than 1 minute to consider what their own opinion actually is. Unfortunately most people tend to take second, third and fourth hand information, accept it and then regurgitate it as if they somehow know what they are talking about.

Acceptable norms are formed and nobody stopped to question the sources.

It was the events of 9-11 that slowly got me to realise that I knew nothing much at all.

I realised that my whole life I had been spoon fed sugar coated lies and just like most other people I bought it hook line and sinker.

It is only the last few years that I have started to construct my own opinions and ideas and I have to say that unless you have had a similar experience, a similar realisation you will probably think I am talking trash and are certain that you always formulate your own opinions.

If you have 'WOKE UP' as they say you will know what I mean. Opinions are truly only your own if you have made the journey that got you there in your own right.


You may agree with Barrack Obama....
Barrack Obama knows things that you do not know and if you knew you would not agree with him because guess what...

He is lying to you, he does not agree with what he tells you on the box.

If your opinions are based on false information, institutional lies, mass hypnosis and 'group think' I value you as a person, a human but get an opinion before you tell others what it is.
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ADAM and EVE!! if it weren't for them, we could still be in EDEN!! lol

but seriously, it could be Corey! without him, all of us wouldn't be here. (more lol)


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I think I am a pretty influential person. Corey is on my list too.


Grim Squeaker
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If your opinions are based on false information, institutional lies, mass hypnosis and 'group think' I value you as a person, a human but get an opinion before you tell others what it is.

What do you mean by "get an opinion"?

You seem to reject any opinion that is even close to "mainstream".

What if a person has done a ton of research, thought deeply, and still comes up with opinions that are at variance with yours?

You really come across as a condescending, self righteous, idealogue. If you disagree with someone's opinion, fine. But don't try to come across as one of the "enlightened few".

And by the way, JFK was not a bootlegger. Your intimation that Martin Luther King was a black supremacist has zero basis in fact. So I wonder about what you have been reading and basing your opinions upon.


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Hands down the most influential person (or cyborg) is none other than Alex Murphy aka Robocop. With out his contributions and sacrifices this country would have plunged into chaos many years ago. The man died for our protection and was risen in the form of an angelic machine dedicated to upholding the law.

The second one is the 14th Dalai Lama, Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso (yeah I had to use Wikipedia to look up his full name). I'm pretty sure his contributions will be recognized many years from now.