Important Multi-Account Unblock Requests

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Please can you unblock my account, I need it for a final university project, my error code is E6F694F84385FD457.
Username: destinydream


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Na x10hosting, para nossos serviços gratuitos, sempre mantivemos e tivemos uma regra em nossos TOS que estabelecia que apenas uma conta era permitida por usuário. Para podermos oferecer um serviço de qualidade gratuitamente, devemos fazer cumprir esta regra para evitar que os nossos recursos se esgotem e ter o espaço necessário para permitir sempre a adesão de novos utilizadores.

Também reconhecemos que no último ano não aplicamos isso tão estritamente como fizemos no passado. No entanto, com a nossa atualização mais recente, esta regra será aplicada novamente com rigor e assim será no futuro.

Como não aplicamos esta regra conforme mencionado, ainda permitimos que nossos usuários tenham acesso a uma de suas contas existentes.

Responda a esta postagem do tópico usando as seguintes diretrizes para solicitar acesso a uma única conta existente:

-Você deve solicitar acesso à conta de hospedagem a partir do nome do fórum vinculado a essa conta. Se você não se lembra do nome do seu fórum ou conta, você pode usar nosso recurso de senha esquecida do fórum usando o mesmo e-mail anexado à sua conta de hospedagem/painel de clientes
-Nome de domínio da conta que você deseja manter.

NÃO publique publicamente endereços de e-mail, IPs, etc.

Observe que esse acesso será revisado para todo o conteúdo de cada conta múltipla para garantir que eles cumpram nossos TOS e AUP. Se alguma das contas listadas no IP do usuário violar algum de nossos TOS ou AUP, nenhum acesso à conta será permitido neste momento.
Observe também que seu acesso a esta conta pode levar alguns dias para ser processado.


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quero minha contaa d volta pos estava tentanda faz instalaçao pos todavaz que eu ia fazer ainstalação o disco nao suportava e tambem apagava os arquivo e os disco nao limpava


New Member
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At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Hello X10hosting team
i am so sorry to make multiple account and breck your tos
now please i request you to unblock my multiple account

Account Details-

Username:- sakib9219
Domain name:-
Error Code:- E0D3651C57ABBF05D

Hosting panel details:-

Username:- prknkseu
Server: X11

Again really sorry to breck your tos
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New Member
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At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
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New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed
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New Member
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Hi, I want to recover my x10hosting account:

Username: genjutsu23
Error code: E88D82D09DAE9DA1B



New Member
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At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Please unlock my account


New Member
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At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Hello Good day

I want to unlock the account with the error:



New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Error Code: EE8382720BEEE2EAF
Username: CrazySIte
Please just unblock me i just purchased my domain
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New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.

I want to unlock the account with the error:

Eric S

Staff member
Reaction score
All block unrequested have been processed.

If you are still seeing this blocked this will be due to not following instructions on the post or you have massive accounts shown on the IP which could be caused by abuse.


New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Hello X10hosting team,
i want to unblock my multiple account please unblock my multiple account

Account Info:-
Username:- gamingismam

Hosting panel details:-
Username:- ywowydea
Server: X11

Error Code:- EEDB9C42D5E99960C

And Sorry for make multiple account


New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Hello Support team,
i want to unblock my multiple account

Username:- bdex1221
Error Code:- EC4959418531FD61A

Thank You!!


New Member
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i help my friend upload source web,bro idont create account, please unblock
my domain
My error code is E8DBA84684AB19536.


New Member
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Hi, I want to recover my x10hosting account:
Error code: EE324C2C7FC80BDF3

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