My sig? but it is not installed on my websites or is a software. it is an ebook about information what services on internet are offering this procedures completely legal. plus it is sig of my profile on this forum not software or so. The ebook is how not to use software as it exist on internet as a services from a companies. Also my webpage, that was affiliate marketing advertising for this ebook, was existing for a period of time on your server for some time without any problem. I don't think that's the reason you suspending my membership on your free server, don't know exactly why, don't think it is with relation of my postings here on the forum if someone recognized in them about how is sometime the way of working of the free server, but i can guess why, and it's quite bad and mean..
And why do actually react jjordan69? Have you check the link. my question wasn't meant to you but as a replay on the email i'v got fro the officials of the website.. Was someone told you how to react??