My blue color combination website


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i agree with leviathon u need some serios work to be done and one more thing that live support chat poping up itself it realy anoying and there is no option to disable it iswell just remove it from poping up


New Member
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First of all, why is it reloading every 5 seconds?? Not keen on that at all.

Now also getting pop-ups - which I also dislike.

Don't like the chat support at the top (this is probably the reason for reloading)

This has obviously been done for 800x600 resolution. Seeing as hardly anyone uses this anymore, you might be better going for 1024 x768 and get better graphic layout.

OMG - how do I stop it re-loading - Aaargh!

You have loads of meta data and this site looks as if its been built professionally (at one point).

However, your top keywords are:

printing (6.8%)
stickers (6.8%)
and folders (4.1%)

The highest ranking pages aim for between 3 and 6%, otherwise you get downgraded for keyword "spamming".

The top header is a bit static - could do with more interactive elements.

Generally, the page at the top is very busy - too fussy IMHO. It gets better lower down when its broken up into your divs.

You are using Tahoma and verdana fonts - any reason why (some in 10px and some in 11px)?

Your code is a horrible mix of table design and div design which suggests a lot of copy/paste techniques.

A lot of your styling is tag-specific, rather than in a style sheet - highly time consuming and not very efficient.

OK - now I start to inspect the code a bit more, this is a real mish-mash of different concepts with little knowledge of how a page fits together....

There are two html definitions...
Two Bodies
Links to all sorts of css files
Two body closures and two html closures


I would suggest that you learn some html and not copy directly from other sites. I say this so that you can avoid horrible code that will probably (at some point) break on you and you will have no idea why.

If you do need to copy a concept, try to find a site that isn't as old as this layout.
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