1) As others have stated, please change the colors. Use this page to coordinate colors.
Go to Section 12 and click Page Colors.
2) Use a background color or image. You have a lot of empty white space, and it makes the page look empty. Even if you fill it with content, it looks better with empty space filled with background.
3) The different sections are not well defined. Using either boarders or boarder art makes the sections easier to distinguish to the eye, and makes the site easier to read and navigate.
4) Use lorum ipsum for content to see the site filled. Copy this....
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam nunc. Ut dictum elit at augue. Nam euismod justo eget justo. Pellentesque metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut enim quam, ullamcorper at, mattis in, sollicitudin vel, dui. Maecenas pharetra nunc sit amet ipsum. Morbi eu lacus. Etiam ultrices metus id sapien. Ut est turpis, volutpat at, semper ut, laoreet consequat, sapien. Fusce scelerisque, felis non nonummy euismod, enim est ornare augue, a fermentum leo mi vel tortor. Suspendisse potenti.
Praesent convallis purus sit amet odio. Proin eu odio. In at lacus eget metus congue tempus. Etiam rhoncus posuere massa. Etiam malesuada massa in velit. Integer sit amet libero vel dolor aliquet varius. Cras nonummy. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas nisl lorem, viverra ullamcorper, gravida id, tincidunt quis, odio. Etiam condimentum. Maecenas velit orci, pretium a, condimentum eu, tristique quis, pede. Vestibulum nonummy velit eget quam.
Just copy that over and over to create content to fill out the pages. It gives you a better idea of how the site will look.