Using Firefox 3.6.3 - loads slowly. Do you really need that all those icon categories on the front page? I think that it makes the site seem too messy. A simpler front page would be more effective. Going from one page to another is also slow as well.
Also, you probably don't need the 'Game Search' box (on the left) if you have a more advanced search function at the bottom of the page, especially seeing how it just does a Google search (if you keep it, maybe you could append a few particular keywords to it, such as 'Joomla' and 'game'...
However, apart from that I thinks it's a nice site - I particularly like all the available languages, though everything has been correctly translated, nor have the all the games been translated. I really like the menu at the top with the drop-down menus - looks very good.
Clearly a work in progress, but looking good