just wrap everything in one big div and align that to the center by margin: auto, this works perfectly in everythnig but IE, but you can google for workarounds for that.
You may also want to consider migrating to a css style sheet rather than using the style="" property.
You also have a load of comments all over the page, now quite sure what that is about...
and the flash movie still isnt wokring for me, im on FF3, flast v10, vista 64bit if that's any help
And, the links on the buttons refer to local files still.
and your text is still showing as a gif, i.e. instead of having formated text, it is text that has been saved as an image and that image has been put in in lieu, which if nothing else will be a ***** to edit.
Are you using a plain text editor, or a WYSIWYG editor?
ARRRRGH! The deadline was yesterday, so I can't change anything at this point but I'm praying I have a chance at nationals, so I'll still try to figure this stuff out. (Website is a new category and I made it to nationals last year with a similar layout- or not-layout according to some, lol)
One of the requirements for the website is that it is viewable in IE. My main problem is that when you use Frontpage and you type normally, all is well and good and birds sing and bees buzz and you can center align to your free will. BUT, since I wanted to use my text as a kind of invisible binding box around the content of the site, I needed it to be in a textbox (so I could fiddle with the width) And curses upon curses (as I found out at 4 am last year) I can't center a stupid text box- I can only center the text inside of it. So my quick fix at 4 am last year was to stick everything in a textbox and pray that the judges had a screen the size I was using (or at least didn't mind scrolling sideways or something) Unfortunately, I couldn't find a better way.
I've never used css, but I'll look into it. (thanks for the tip
Do you feel that the comments on the side (the ones that link to the media, I'm assuming) takes away from the site or is distracting, somehow? I kind of meant for it to allow for media to be incorporated without messing around with the simplicity and non-layout of the page. Do you think I should sprinkle links to the media throughout the text where its best fitted instead?
argh! darn flash movie. i'm completely at loss. Flash player 10 should play it, and your version of vista should not matter. it works on both computers i've tried and friends I've emailed have not said anything about it being a problem. . . its a .swf file, if that helps you at all (probably not)
I know the links refer to local files (its says so when i mouse over) buuuuuuut, the links still work, right? They did for me. So is linking them to a local file a problem?
For my site, I used frontpage to create it and then transferred it to the server via a webdisk, so that may be why the text has become an image. Editing is a slight pain anyway because everytime I edit a page i have to re-copy it to the server which takes a while.
My gosh, I'm so glad I can do it online this year. Having a forum of people for feedback is so useful! Thanks so much!