I see you changed titles and I have to say they are looking much better now but I found another design problem and it's about consistency. You see, consistency is one of the main rules of web design and probably the most important one. Design relies on visual perception and if it's not consistent viewers can easily get confused. If you want to confuse your visitors then it's OK, otherwise you should stick to consistency as much as you can.
In this case I'm talking about links. Links are, by function and meaning, different then regular text, right? The purpose of design is to make that differences
visible. If you have white font color for regular content and the same color without any other effect (link underline or whatever) for your links how do you expect your visitors to know what is a link and what is not? You can't. That's why you have to visually separate links from regular text content, just like you have to visually separate all the things on your website that have separate function or meaning (like navigation, footer, ...).
Let's look at your website now. You have about four different link styles:
1) Article title (witch is also a link) is
orange with
blue hover effect
2) Links inside articles and "(continue reading…)" link are
white and underlined with
orange and underlined hover effect
3) RSS link on the right is
orange underlined with
blue and underlined hover effect
4) Links in "Recent Posts" and "Browse by tags" areas are
white (the same as your regular text!) with
blue and underlined hover effect
What about consistency? You have to decide what style and effect you want to use for links and stick to! Visitors have to understand your design in first few second of looking at it or they'll become confused and, most likely, leave. That's what design is all about. Making people understand what you are presenting to them.
I hope I was not too boring with this "lecture" about design
I just hope you'll learn something form it.
One more thing though, I noticed that you have two different rating systems witch is completely unnecessary. Actually the entire article bottom area is a bit chaotic. Sharing link section is indent, below it (without any "breathing space") are two different rating systems where the first one have two lines (star icons and rating statistics) and second one in a single line (both thumb icons and rating statistics in the same line). Do I hear consistency? Below all of that you have well designed "Leave a Comment", tags and "more..." buttons. Try sorting out this mess a little bit. It gets even worse when it gets bigger then the actual article text. Just look at the article "Free Photoshop Spherical Fractal Brushes" (the first one right know). It has barely four lines of text and five lines of footer plus a line of buttons. Content is more important then article footer and you have to design it that way.
P.S. And don't make your visitors scroll for the search box