glad I could help
the \ is used generally when referring to the server path and not the URL. The server path is used in reference paths for databases, php scripting etc.
To answer your question, it depends on the structure of your files and folders and if you are using any kind forum software or the like which sets the "root" of your site.
for example, is generally the root of all websites, however on my own website I use forum software and the root becomes because that is where my forum files and folders exist.
I use the the address for my "portal" which contains very little.
what it boils down to is I need a better idea of exactly how your files and folders are set up in public_html folder and in what relationship the images are with the page you want them to appear on.
I hope I haven't confused you
if I have ask away and I'll clear it up otherwise give me some specific details of the hierarchy of your files and folders under /public_html/ and I'll be glad to assist you
I did see you said that
I have my index.html and Images folder both in my public html file. however, you said you had to use
'../../Images/imageName.ext' to get it to work, that syntax indicates your
index.html is
3 levels above where your
imageName.ext is, that is why I am asking for more detailed infos to make sure I know exactly how your folder and file structure is setup so I can help you properly.
Just wanted you to know I
did read your post but require some more info