Hi there
I think this site is a bit messy and things have just been put on there without adearing to a site structure.
first example, upon loading the index for your site i was asked for a username and password, surely a new visitor should not be asked for username and password? maybe you could change that to a seperate page.
your navigation bar on the left hand side, there is a bit with some references to news and updates, the text then comes out of the navigation section and in to the main part of the site.
the first "news and updates" segmant has 1 link for the entire entry when im'm fairly certain it shouldnt
on your main page, the index page, you have embedded a video, there is something about windows 7 on there and then a piece of text at the bottom (whats new to download).
I dont think you have planned the layout of this page properly, there appears to be gaps in between each item on the page, there is nothing to explain what any of these are really for? and none of these items seem to follow the layout of the site.
forum looks ok, but thats because you didnt make it lol. except, for the site logo, which has a white background? you can fix that in photoshop tho
lots for you to work on and learn.
over-all id go with a 4