Thanks vigge_sWe, you've just pushed the prize fund up to 3,510. Someone has to win all that!
1-2 scottbu123
3-4 tittat
5-6 swirly
7-8 psgalaxy91
9-10 themcman1
11 edu2004eu
12-16 kbjradmin
17 Jon Monreal
18 fearghal
19-29 diabolo
30 Perfect7
31 girardandrew
32 Ainokea
33 Domenico
34 jordanc
35 balaji2u
36-42 DeadBattery
43-55 deathball619
56-156 vigge_sWe
Don't be put off by all the massive entrances though people! I just generated 100 numbers between 1 and 156 for a practise, and half of them went to somebody with only one ticket.
By the way, I'm thinking of how I should do this. I could split it up into three equal prizes? Maybe I should do a half, and two quarters? Ideas please, people!