Osama Bin Laden is dead!


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What does Obama have to do with anything?

It wasn't simply Muslims that coordinated and executed the attacks on 9/11; they were radical Islamic fundamentalists. There's quite a drastic difference.

I'm anything but an Obama apologist. I actually loathe the guy with every fiber of my being. However, the fact that I buy into this operation and its results has very little to do with my sentiments toward the president. It's one of those things that just is. And I'm OK with that.

Also, where are you getting your information regarding Osama bin Laden being dead years ago? Is this just a theory based on hearsay and rumors? Or is it something more than a simple conspiracy theory?

What does Obama have to do with anything?

It wasn't simply Muslims that coordinated and executed the attacks on 9/11; they were radical Islamic fundamentalists. There's quite a drastic difference.

I'm anything but an Obama apologist. I actually loathe the guy with every fiber of my being. However, the fact that I buy into this operation and its results has very little to do with my sentiments toward the president. It's one of those things that just is. And I'm OK with that.

Also, where are you getting your information regarding Osama bin Laden being dead years ago? Is this just a theory based on hearsay and rumors? Or is it something more than a simple conspiracy theory?

There are so many unanswered questions in the 9-11 report for a start. Many Americans believe it was an inside job. More reason to invade Iraq. Before Obama became President he promised the troops will be out quickly. After he became President, he sent more troops into Iraq instead. Don't expect the troops to come back. He really doesn't give a crap about their lives.

Maybe this should help:



Do you really think Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Oswald? He was just a fall guy for the CIA's agenda.
Maybe you have seen that video and still not convinced. But some things are not what they seem in this world.


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i still can't believe why no one has ever posted an image of his remains though.
And obama don't want too. :D which leaves doubt
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"Many Americans believe that..." is never a valid argument. What are these so-called unanswered questions? As a matter of fact, I have some of my own. Such as why people quoting bits and pieces of conversations out of context and superimposing those snippets onto tape in order to further their own agenda is considered legitimate. It's a perversion of journalism.

And I fail to see the connection of your assertion that Oswald was a fall guy for the CIA and the "conspiracy" of 9/11. It's like saying, "Hey, some people say that Nero burned down Rome. So 9/11 could have been an inside job too."

By the way, please do not try to convince me that Obama is anything. The man is dead to me, so you might as well save your keyboard and your time.


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"Many Americans believe that..." is never a valid argument. What are these so-called unanswered questions? As a matter of fact, I have some of my own. Such as why people quoting bits and pieces of conversations out of context and superimposing those snippets onto tape in order to further their own agenda is considered legitimate. It's a perversion of journalism.

And I fail to see the connection of your assertion that Oswald was a fall guy for the CIA and the "conspiracy" of 9/11. It's like saying, "Hey, some people say that Nero burned down Rome. So 9/11 could have been an inside job too."

By the way, please do not try to convince me that Obama is anything. The man is dead to me, so you might as well save your keyboard and your time.

Well, you carry on believing in your own government. You haven't done much research, hence your ignorance shows. Not trying to convince anyone here but...to each their own, or maybe you're one of them.


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Не поможет вам это. Найдутся еще усамы


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A murderer has been killed.

Guy was protected by the Pakistani people and government.

I want to hear the Pakistani government's explanation.

I agree with you mate!

Finally Osama is dead!


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я не верю ....

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ----------

если бы это было провдой то они представили все доказательства, но таковых у них нет, и поэтому они быстренько уттопили или сделали вид что утопили его. Это на них не похоже, они ведь любят предоставлять доказательства... я думаю что его вооще не было, и америкаские службы действовали от его имени. Вся эта история заставляет задуматься о многом, при всем том что они такие бюракраты и без доказательств ничему не верят, а тут на слово поверили... очень странно...

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------

if it were provdoy they presented all the evidence, but those they do not, so they quickly uttopili or pretended that drowned him. That they did not seem like they are in fact present evidence ... I think that it was not voosche and amerikaskie service to act on his behalf. This whole story makes you wonder about many things, for all that they are byurakraty and without evidence of anything they do not believe, and here's word to believe ... very strange ...


Grim Squeaker
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Well, you carry on believing in your own government. You haven't done much research, hence your ignorance shows. Not trying to convince anyone here but...to each their own, or maybe you're one of them.

Oh, and you have done tons of research.

"Loose Change" has been discredited by Truthers, and you present it as "evidence".
You present two isolated and conflicting "reports" that bin Laden was already dead as "evidence" and fail to respond to the challenges.

Your kind has the same old tired tactics. The other side are sheep. They are ignorant. They are part of the conspiracy. Name calling does nothing but cheapen your already weak argument.

Why not stay to your side of the Atlantic and worry about who really killed Princess Di.


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А был ли мальчик?
В криминалистике - мало сознаться в преступлении. Необходимо собрать веские доказательства, что именно это лицо совершило преступление. Американской юриспруденции такие сложные процедуры не под силу. А быстрее всего, ни к чему.
Пока не найден и не наказан истинный заказчик и исполнитель взрыва башен-близнецов и 7-го здания всемирного центра в Нью-Йорке , а также исполнитель ракетного обстрела Пентагона 11 сентября, вся ответственность за происхолдящее вокруг истории "мщения" за якобы террористическую атаку века лежит тяжким грузом греха на американской администрации.
Масса Обама вряд ли имеет индульгенцию. Он, как преемник Буша-младшего, мог провести тщательное расследование его деяний на посту президента и дать им правовую оценку. Но делать этого не стал. Поэтому несет равноправную с ним ответственность наряду с преступниками - исполнителями террористического акта против собственных граждан.
У него еще есть возможность покаяться и призвать к покаянию тех, кто должен это сделать. Это был бы красивый жест доброй воли - 11 сентября 2011 года, в 10-летнюю годовщину убийства собственных граждан, его заказчики и преемники заказчиков на коленях, на месте гибели людей, покаялись бы в содеянном. Им вопиют об этом души невинно убиенных ими людей. Хватит совести у убийц покаяться?

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------

Was there a boy?
In Forensics - small to confess to the crime. Need to collect solid evidence that this person committed the crime. American jurisprudence such complicated procedures are not under force. And the quickest way to anything.
Not yet been found and punished the true customer and the executor of explosion of the twin towers and Building 7 th World Center in New York as well as singer shelling on the Pentagon on Sept. 11, the responsibility for proisholdyaschee around the story of "revenge" for the alleged terrorist attack of the century is heavy load of sin on the U.S. administration.
Massa Obama is unlikely to have an indulgence. He is the successor to Bush, could conduct a thorough investigation into his conduct in office and give them a legal assessment. But to do that did not. Therefore carries with it an equal responsibility, along with the criminals - the perpetrators of terrorist acts against its own citizens.
He still has the opportunity to repent and call to repentance of those who should do it. It would be a nice gesture - September 11, 2011, in a 10-year anniversary of the assassination of its own citizens, its customers and the successors of the customers on their knees, in the place of death, repentance would be guilty. They cry about the soul of innocent victims of their people. Enough of conscience murderers to repent?


Grim Squeaker
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Oh please. Even given the inadequacies of Google translate, that is a load of garbage.


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Был бы рад этому. Если подтвердится.
Был бы рад потому, что американскому правительству не на кого будет списать собственные теракты.
Или уже место страшилки занято М. Каддафи и потому решили убрать Осаму? Уже стал не нужен?

Король умер, да здравствует король?

---------- Post added at 09:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ----------

I would be glad of it. If it is confirmed.
Would be happy because the U.S. government no one will cancel their own attacks.
Or is the place scares busy Gaddafi and therefore decided to remove the Osama? Is already no longer need?

The king is dead, long live the king?

---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------

"The complex, which was eliminated bin Laden, there are five years old, but Americans do not know how many years he lived there (soon to know ...). Brought to him two or Courier - his brother, whom the prisoners (presumably Guantanamo) was identified as Khalid Sheikh Muhammad approximate (it's the one who masterminded the September 11 attacks, he is also at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Very nasty uncle, I should say).

Through them, found this complex, very seriously protected: the high double walls, double gates. The house is eight times more homes in the town of Abbottabad, which is what happened, but it is not connected to the internet and phone ...

It was clear that lives there someone cool and after a lengthy analysis, concluded that it was Bin Laden is most likely with their wives, including the youngest.

This afternoon, a helicopter with a small team went on an operation to capture Bin Laden, on the orders of Obama (which discussed this issue with his advisers five times in the last month). The operation lasted less than 40 minutes, Osama + Three men were killed in the house was another 7 women and children, one woman was murdered - it took the gunman as a human shield. "


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in a strange way everything turned out.
killed immediately and at sea.
I am also say that yesterday soaked Gilera, and his remains in Mskva River dropped!
Why was it so bastard "bury"?
And to show the public?


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he's on a secret island somewhere with Frank Sinatra and Elvis. I just know it.


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If he is dead, I believe it was so he could not stand trial. Considering the FBI never accused him of being behind 9/11 or involved for that matter, imagine if he went to trial for the bombings in the 90s, and yet no mention of 9/11. It would force the casual citizen to stand up and ask why. After all the government has blamed him for 9/11 and to have a trial where he was not accused would just ruin any credibility of the US government.