Odd, seems like the site the rest of the tutorial is MIA right now.

Would be nice if anyone recorded its information in case that happened.
Just as well, Chris -- the information here is badly out of date now. While the mysql_xxx methods
will work for the moment, deprecation of ext/mysql has already begun. It is likely that you would have to turn on "suppress warnings" in the next dot version of PHP, and the methods will stop working altogether a couple of dot versions down the road.
Look for tutorials dealing with PDO (PHP Data Objects) for new projects; to update existing code it would probably be easier to use the Improved MySQL (mysqli_xxx) interface, which largely has a one-to-one correspondence with the mysql_xxx methods (but with the option of prepared statements to avoid SQL injection, a traversible result set, etc., earning it the "improved" moniker).
You might want to look at the
tutorials suggested by user misson in the sticky thread dealing with the deprecation of ext/mysql in the Programming forum.