You can upload the phpBB files using any of the following methods:
- Download the compressed file onto your computer (.zip or .tar.gz) and go into your cPanel File Manager. Click the Upload button and upload the compressed file from your computer. When it has finished, select the file in the File Manager's listing, and choose Extract. Enter the path to where you would like your phpBB installation to go (probably /public_html) and then press the extract button. When the process is complete, create a MySQL Database, MySQL User, and assign the User to the Database with All Privledges; then navigate to install.php in your web browser.
- Download the compressed file onto your computer (.zip or .tar.gz) and then extract it onto your local computer. Then, use an FTP client (like FileZilla) to connect to your website; the host is (replacing with your domain) and the username and password is your cPanel username and password. Upload the files. When the process is complete, create a MySQL Database, MySQL User, and assign the User to the Database with All Privledges; then navigate to install.php in your web browser.