I followed this discussion and people here are declaring Neobux as SCAM ,fake e.t.c. without even trying, without even going past the Standard membership. You know what, I only see people here who just complain without even learning how to earn on NEOBUX. I would like to refer 2 statements on this forum post "I got tired at how much work it takes each day." This is what it is, you get tired . You want to earn big but you get tired of working that is ridiculous.
Another one QUOTE
"I have been a member of neobux for more than 2 years and rented referrals a lot. And the net profit after 2 years was just $5.00 in my Alertpay account."
Bro its all about growing on NEOBUX and reinvesting before you think of profit and cashing out. Most people fail on NEOBUX because they don't have any idea of how it works and they just think about earning profit from the start without reinvesting. You said you rented a lot? How much did you rent? Did you extend any of the referral. I cannot believe this that you spent 2 years and you made just $5. Members are earning a lot there even with RR daily AVG of as low as 0.60. It won't make you rich overnight without you investing in it for sometime. But if you want to stay a free member and not reinvest and just think of cashing out money you will end up in a misery.
CHATINDIA how much did you got paid to declare NEOBUX as SCAM. By the way who the heck are you, who are you to come here post and declare some site as SCAM when people are earning good chunk over there, a former failure on NEOBUX?. = Don't disgrace the people earning there, you could not succeed there and decide to write this post, how many pennies for this post you have earned? how much you get paid to declare sites as scam and make postings like these

If you fail, that does not mean you go out and tell everyone that you've been SCAMMED without even knowing that did they actually scammed you or did you actually SCAMMED yourself