How to install Drupal manually
Hi, I will show you hoe to install Drupal manually.
But I say before you install make a plan about your site and then decide which platform would be easy for you to maintain the site. Simply don't just install Drupal Joomla or any CMS by seeing how it looks on other sites. There is a lot's of work to do for such sites. drupal is PHP based system so you should have atleast basic PHP level.
Ok anyway I will tell you how to install it now;
1) First go to Drupal Official site and download the latest version of Drupal.
(note: Drupal comes with
drupal-6.15.tar.gz file so if you wanna extract it on the computer you gotta have any unzip software like winzip or 7zip etc.)
2) Change the name of the drupal file (forexample
drupal-6.15 to just
drupal or whatever name you want)
3) Open the drupal folder and find
drupal\sites\default\default.setting.php and then make a copy of
default.setting.php and rename it to
default.php and create a file named
4) Before uploading to server make a database and database user and password. You can make it so easily from Cpanel by clicking on Mysql database icon. and then create database name then scroll down and create user and password. Then click add and give all access to the user if you are the admin.
5) Upload the drupal to the main directory (public_html)
6) open the browser and type the address where you installed drupal for example ( A setup screen of drupal will display.
7) Choose the language (English)
8) Enter the dtabase name, user name and password.
9) Enable Clean URL and automatic update.
Note: If you find any error during this process double check the file permissions and make sure that you have an empty file folder
That's it for installing the drupal next step is Site configuration.
Remember as I told you before it's along process not easy like wordpress or jooomla installation but Drupal is the best CMS platform that I have ever used. I have tried all other CMS plat forms like Joomla, Movable type, xoops, Wordpress etc...
If you find any problem while installing please contact me.
Ah one more thing may be you will find difficulty to setup cron job. which is very important for Drupal.
If you need to seup cron job contact me.
Good Luck