Questions :D

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New Member
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Hello, I'm new to x10hosting and would like to know more about your free service

Is there a stupid CPU limit? I know with some free hosts, they suspend you after you use 5/10% of the CPU lol, which is plane ridiculous(gets 5000 views at once.. bam used to much of the CPU this was a basic html page with the words hello coming soon on it :D)
Do you randomly suspend people for stupid reasons, or not?
What are the catches?

If i were to decided to go with your premium, what is the differences between free and paid?

Would you ever suspend someone for hosting a forum here? lets say if my forum got popular, would you suspend it?

Sorry if these questions seem like there trying to "put" down the service, I'm not intending to, so far your service seems alright and better then most of the free hosts i have used, i have been previously suspend at other hosts, just because I've had 5000 people visit my site at once :/ lol

Last and not least

what are the limits and restrictions to the free version.
what are some good / popular sites hosted with this free service.

So far your service seems promising and nice :) its fast which i like, and you guys haven't suspended me yet for small stupid things :D also, when my site gets bigger i plan to get the paid version :)


x10Hosting Support Ninja
Community Support
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Hi gigasea,

Welcome to x10Hosting! :)

Is there a stupid CPU limit? I know with some free hosts, they suspend you after you use 5/10% of the CPU lol, which is plane ridiculous(gets 5000 views at once.. bam used to much of the CPU this was a basic html page with the words hello coming soon on it :D)
On our free hosting service, an individual account's CPU limit is capped at 75% of one core, which should be perfect for most websites. If you do manage to hit this limit, however, we will not suspend your account, but your website would be temporarily disabled for a short period. ;)

Do you randomly suspend people for stupid reasons, or not?
Definitely not! Please take a look at the first section of our terms of service for details on what we suspend for. :)

What are the catches?
Our only real requirement on our free hosting service is that you login to your hosting account at least once a month. :)

If i were to decided to go with your premium, what is the differences between free and paid?
Our paid service essentially includes higher package limits, better support and an uptime guarentee. Please see this wiki article for further details.

Would you ever suspend someone for hosting a forum here? lets say if my forum got popular, would you suspend it?
No, we wouldn't suspend a user for hosting a forum, nor do we place any bandwidth limits.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you,
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