I'm going to be transferring my vbulletin site (http://vgchat.info/forum) over to x10 hosting. In the cpanel I noticed some pretty high usage already
So before I transfer, is it ok for my to transfer my vbulletin here from hostgator or will it wind up using too much cpu/memory? I'm transferring it to here because today I just lost my job & can't really afford the $7 a month at hostgator plus my gaming bills (which alone are $25 a month) for much longer then a little over 10 months.
Also I dont know if these use up tons of resources or not... but here's the mods installed for it.
Server Load 16.58 (4 cpus)
Memory Used 48.8 %
So before I transfer, is it ok for my to transfer my vbulletin here from hostgator or will it wind up using too much cpu/memory? I'm transferring it to here because today I just lost my job & can't really afford the $7 a month at hostgator plus my gaming bills (which alone are $25 a month) for much longer then a little over 10 months.
Also I dont know if these use up tons of resources or not... but here's the mods installed for it.
vBulletin 3.8.4
Affiliation 4.0 Show all of your affiliate(s).
Ain - Advanced Google AdSense 7.0 advanced system to show adsense on forums
Automatic Thread Tagger 1.2.0 Extracts keywords from thread titles and uses these as thread tags.
Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count 4.4 Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count
Insert Copyright 1.0.0 Insert Copyright Text Into Post
KX - Spider Permissions 1.0.0 This allows spiders to be placed in a special usergroup or select the features you want them to use.
Limit Links In Signature 0.5.5 This hack allows to set a maximal number of allowed links in signatures for each user group.
Limited Guest Viewing 2.0.1 Limit guests to view a set number of threads before being locked out.
Members who have Visited 3.8.002 Display members who have visited the forum.
Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.8.0 1.8.0 Allows extensive control of how SubForums lists are displayed (vBulletin 3.8.x)
Spider Display 2.0.0 Show the spiders browsing your board in the What's Going On box of your Forum Home Page.
Usergroup Color Bar 2.0.0 http://www.tvpano.com/
Username HTML Markup 2.0
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator 2.5 Generate a Google & Yahoo Sitemap for your Forums
Welcome Thread 1.2.2 Creates a welcome thread when a new user registers
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