WeeRowan said:Ipb 2.1.3
You're missing a lot of code in your index.php then, your lines 135 to 155 are my lines 263 to 282.
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WeeRowan said:Ipb 2.1.3
'buddy' => array( "browsebuddy" , 'assistant' ),
'mmod' => array( "misc/multi_moderate", 'mmod' ,"'multimod',"),
'warn' => array( "misc/warn" , 'warn' ,"'badwords','bbcode' ,'emoticons'," ),
'home' => array( 'ipbportal' , 'ipdl' ,"'attachtypes','bbcode', 'multimod','ranks','profilefields'," ),
'module' => array( 'modules' , 'modules' ),
'toutline' => array( 'topics_outline' , 'toutline' ),
'task' => array( 'taskloader' , 'taskloader' ),
'findpost' => array( 'findpost' , 'findpost' ),
'shoutbox' => array( 'D2mods/Shoutbox/Shoutbox', 'shoutbox', "'sbox_stats','sbox_badwords','emoticons','bbcode','badwords'," ),
'arcade' => array( 'Arcade' , 'Arcade' ),
'pointsacp' => array( 'PointsACP/PointsACP', 'pointsacp' ),
// Check to make sure the array key exits..
$ibforums->input['_low_act'] = strtolower( $ibforums->input['act'] );
if (! isset($choice[ $ibforums->input['_low_act'] ][0]) )
$ibforums->input['act'] = 'idx';