Updated: banner size changed for easier modification.
Hi everyone! Since I am very busy with my website, I think that I will not have the time to make ghotel two fantastic banners! Ofcourse, I can design it by myself. However, I don't have time!! I have a bunch of articles to refurbish, cleanup my webpages: html codes, php codes + more!
So, I would like everybody to participate in this event and help ghotel and I. The winner will have 500 credits + 3 weeks advertising (with your banner) on my website! But, your banner should only be: "88 px X 31 px".
For Ghotel, his website is: http://uk.gamepenalty.com/
Please design two banners with these size...the banner's theme should be related to his website and his background...ect...
- 130 px X 130 px
- 100 px X 100 px
Best regards,
Post updated, please read the post again...
Hi everyone! Since I am very busy with my website, I think that I will not have the time to make ghotel two fantastic banners! Ofcourse, I can design it by myself. However, I don't have time!! I have a bunch of articles to refurbish, cleanup my webpages: html codes, php codes + more!
So, I would like everybody to participate in this event and help ghotel and I. The winner will have 500 credits + 3 weeks advertising (with your banner) on my website! But, your banner should only be: "88 px X 31 px".
For Ghotel, his website is: http://uk.gamepenalty.com/
Please design two banners with these size...the banner's theme should be related to his website and his background...ect...
- 130 px X 130 px
- 100 px X 100 px
Best regards,
Post updated, please read the post again...
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