Hi, My account has less than 4MB of disk space. Could you please increase the disk space? Thanks.
G guanyint New Member Messages 6 Reaction score 0 Points 1 Mar 3, 2019 #1 Hi, My account has less than 4MB of disk space. Could you please increase the disk space? Thanks.
Anna I am just me Staff member Messages 11,768 Reaction score 590 Points 113 Mar 5, 2019 #3 We no longer bump users up to unmetered directly, I have however doubled your available space. You can request to have it doubled again if needed.
We no longer bump users up to unmetered directly, I have however doubled your available space. You can request to have it doubled again if needed.
G guanyint New Member Messages 6 Reaction score 0 Points 1 Feb 11, 2020 #5 Hi, please double my available space again as it running out of space. Thank you.
Anna I am just me Staff member Messages 11,768 Reaction score 590 Points 113 Feb 11, 2020 #6 I saw your account had mistakenly been dropped down to 512 mb again, I reinstated the 1 gb you had, you do not quite meet the requirements to have any extra added just yet (half of the added must be used in addition to the original diskspace).
I saw your account had mistakenly been dropped down to 512 mb again, I reinstated the 1 gb you had, you do not quite meet the requirements to have any extra added just yet (half of the added must be used in addition to the original diskspace).