The splash page looks extremely professional, it suits the theme of the site inside so i guess you should keep that there and the graphics on the splash page are very effective and looks very nice.
I have to say, your favicon looks very good too but it's not that easy to understand what the "R" is supposed to represent so i think you should do something about that...
The name of your website is very classy and i really like the font you used in your logo, i think you should use that font with your buttons too as getting things to match in your site can make it very effective. Everything on your forums are very organized plus you have a lot of things to talk about so i believe your community will start to grow very fast if i'm not mistaken

The graphics on your forum make the site look even more professional. I really like the effect of your "on" button in your logo and the transparency effect you used on the inactive forums makes it looks very nice.
Overall i don't think i could give you any suggestions as your site is already, over the standards. As soon as you get people posting in your forums, i would actually give it a 10/10 and trust me, i don't do that to many people so i guess the only thing you need to work on at the moment is your advertising...
Good luck
