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Hi there! Your website needs some major DIY!! :)
What you need is these...

1.] A control panel with css stylesheet. If you want to know exactly what it is, please take a look at my website. Just look on your left when the pages load. Although, if you don't know how to construct one, please PM me and give me your your list and I'll make one for you...

Notes: please give me 4 days so that I could make a proper one for your website. It will depends on your list...

2.] Try and put your CSS codes into seperate files and import them into your homepage.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="one.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="two.css" />

<style type="text/css">
  @import url(subfolder/filename.css);
  @import url(subfolder/filename.css);

Notes: I would suggest you to use both method. This is because, some browser will not support the "@import" method or the other.

3.] Please clean - up your website codes. When I looked at your coding order, it looks like a total mess! Sorry to say that. But, if you do it, your web page will load a lot faster! Trust me! It will improve your web page speed...

4.] Put all JavaScript into a JS file and import them into your homepage.
You'll need to place the import "JS" into the header.

<script type='text/javascript' src='source-code.js'></script>

5.] Your header uses too much bandwidth. You'll need to shrink it down...alittle and not too much! ;)

Nice header!

I hope that helps!


Manager of Pens and Office Supplies
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Honestly, you need much more than an external style sheet, especially because it doesn't change ANYTHING!

I think you really need to re-design your whole site. I'd suggest using a template from . They are very well designed, and there are many, many free templates for a variety of games.

Take a look at that.
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New Member
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Honestly, you need much more than an external style sheet, especially because it doesn't change ANYTHING!

I think you really need to re-design your whole site. I'd suggest using a template from . They are very well designed, and there are many, many free templates for a variety of games.

Take a look at that.

Uhhh...making him download a new template will make him confuse!
He might make some mistake trying to add something and remove something....
That is what I am afraid off...please don't overload the poor guy...he's trying his best. :happysad:

He got to learn the basic first before working on a professional template.

"You must walk before you can run" ~get what I am trying to say?
Just give the guy a chance and he will learn something new...


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I think that you have a good start. I'm not really one to address on visual appearance, so I'll leave all the CSS etc. to others.

As far as content, I think that it's somewhat confusing to a new arrival to the site. Top on the page is what has been changed an updated on the site...but there's not really anything to tell the new visitor what the site is really about. I know that since you are already aware of the purpose of the site, the most important thing to you is what's been changed, but for a visitor unfamiliar with the site an overview might be worthwhile so that they know they've gotten someplace that they wanted. If a newbie to the site can't figure that out quickly, then their back button is quick, and off to the next search result.

I'd advise going through the site and try to see it from the eyes of somebody arriving there for the very first time from a search engine, and try to see if it would make sense to them.

That's my $0.02. Hope you have fun with the site!



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Try adding more advanced graphics, borders, and maybe even a type of background image.


New Member
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I like your site but as mentioned you need a background image. It will make your site seem much more friendly and inviting! I also think that you need to work on your menu. It needs to be more accessible and have a link to your homepage and forum. I didn't even notice that your header was a link to your homepage until I looked at the page source! Your forum link is only on the homepage and that makes it only accessible on that first page of your website. This makes it a pain to get to if you aren't on the homepage. The navigation link is just to confusing for an average user. Users don't like to think it makes them unhappy with the website. All of those links should be something small like a name or a word, and not something as intimidating as a full web address.
You have plenty of content that is well structured with great visuals! All in all a great site that just has some navigation problems. I hope that I wasn't to harsh because you have a great site! Drop me a line if you have any questions about my comments. I don't know how much experience you have with HTML or CSS but I aced my college course on those so you can ask me if you need help in those areas I will do my best to help if I have time. I like to keep my skills sharp with problem solving!
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