about my post earlier, i just re-created the database 'cause the table wasn't that so important
but after that, i try recounting mybb's statistics (recount & rebuild tool) and it takes time, then after long time of loading, it would give me a 500 internal server error. but the database repair is just working properly
Forget about check or repair in my case they did nothing
Ok this is what i did, logged into cpanel, went to "MySQL Databases" (not MySQL Databases
wizard) created a new database, (ie, old one was "jo152" made new one "jo153" to keep
things simple) then went down the bottom of the page and associated that database with
my user name in the "Add User To Database" tool. Once that was done i went into "phpMyAdmin"
and pulled up the new database (ie, "user_jo153" which was empty), then I went to the
backup database on my computer and change the name of the database file from
"localhost.sql" to the new name "user_jo153.sql" i then opened that database with Wordpad
and scrolled down not far from the top until I came to the line:
CREATE DATABASE `user_jo152` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci; USE `user_jo152`;
and deleted it. other wise it will try and create a new database which you dont want it to
do as you have already created an empty one in the previous step.
then just above that line you have just deleted is a line that says:
Database: `user_jo152`
or what ever your old database is called change that to the new database name in my case
it was:
Database: `user_jo153`
now go back to "phpMyAdmin" and click on 'import" browse to the file we have just finished
with and upload it, hopefully if you done everything right you should get the green
writing comformation that everything uploaded correctly,
now go file manager " Web Root (public_html/www) " and scroll down to "configuration.php"
make sure the file permissions are set to (644 and not 444) open file with edit, scroll
down to "var $db = 'user_jo152';" or what ever your old one is called and change the
database name to the new one in my case it was change from var $db = 'user_jo152'; to
var $db = 'user_jo153';
save and check website in my case it fixed it.