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It's a Pokémon fanfiction site. Probably not suiting to everyone's tastes but please do not flame me on the basis of making something modeled after Pokémon. It's really not that big of a deal but if you have nothing nice to say, don't comment or don't even bother viewing.

I just want to know everyone's thoughts in general... and I am definitely looking for ways to improve the site: graphics, features, the markup and styling, etc. Heck, even critique the story if you want. I would also like to know what kind of features I can include that can give this site more recognition. Remember, I'm only heavily familiar with HTML and CSS... a little with Javascript but nothing else beyond that.

The following is a list of known issues, so please do not address these:
• Website loading slowly or not loading at all (just keep refreshing)
• Cannot register for forums (issue being worked on)
• Some elements out of place such as videos and tables (minor issue being worked on)

I really want to give this site more traffic or more views. I read all sorts of traffic methods and I tried quite a few of them... but simply not enough. Search Engine Optimization, spreading the word at related communities, topsites, etc. I know about but I'm currently having issues with it... I'm trying to affiliate with other sites or at least get listed in them... I signed up for StumbleUpon but don't have any idea on how to use it... I wanted to try Facebook and MySpace for fan pages and such but I really have no idea how to use them... I can submit videos to Youtube and other video networks but I haven't gotten the time to make the actual videos... I should include have a function where the Internet browser bookmarks the site so the same people can visit it again... I should make public blogs... I should submit articles... a lot of stuff really. But what I am NOT going to do is using business-exclusive methods that give the site more money or whatever, because this site is non-profit. But really, it's hard to do all this surfing around just to get more people in AND maintain the project I have at the site. Really, not having a great time at this...

Just give me any sort of feedback, but mainly I'm looking how I can attract more crowds and assure them that they will keep visiting the site. No illegitimate methods please.
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Regarding bookmark function, if your content is not worth bookmarking it won't be get bookmarked as simple as that, even if you add bookmark function.

To get more traffic you need higher pagerank and to get a higher pagerank you need to have UNIQUE and GENUINE CONTENT and linkbacks from website(s) with higher pagerank.
Obviously, you will get linkbacks only if your content is worth the linkback.

I appreciate that you stayed away from illegitimate tactics.
It never pays off in the long run.

Higher pagerank is a product of time, you just can't get higher pagerank(traffic) in a day or two.

The following is a list of known issues, so please do not address these:
• Website loading slowly or not loading at all (just keep refreshing)

You can't expect "a" traffic if you don't address this at first.
When we humans don't have that much of patience, it is just too much to expect the same from bots/spiders.

• Cannot register for forums (issue being worked on)

Not a big problem.

• Some elements out of place such as videos and tables (minor issue being worked on)

First impression matters in life and so does that of a Website.


Really, not having a great time at this...

Not a good attitude for a webmaster/publisher.

What I understand is that you don't want to spend a penny to advertise, that's fine!
But, accept this reality too : big fishes eat smaller ones.

Now, to over come this handicap, you can use social networking sites to spread a "word of mouth".
Don't over do it!
And stay from email-advertising, it is intrusive and will probably get you marked as a spammer.

Best Wishes!


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Hmm, pretty harsh. Don't worry, I'm not that naive. Traffic won't be coming in just a few days, yeah... I mean, I've been at this same situation for quite a while and I'm trying to use every legitimate tactic out there whenever I have the time. As far as unique and genuine content goes... it's just a site with stories, nothing more. However, the stories themselves are the main appeal and they receive some high acclaims. I am making an effort to fix small bugs (which just keep on popping up) and adding some new helpful little things to enhance the site more. I'm not really expecting to be one of the most noticeable sites on the web but just very noticeable to the targeted audience. And well... this is the first site I ever made and maintained. I'm not just making the website... I'm also running the whole story project, which keeps adding more onto my plate. Learning web design? Self-taught. I am being as tenacious as possible and doing whatever it takes to spread the word... but it becomes extremely tedious after a while. There is just so much to do, it's driving me nuts. And also, I'm the only person developing the site and I have no one aiding me which contributes to the difficulty... and this is an independent project I do during my free time so... no pay. I am in quite a pickle.

Hmm, but will social bookmarking sites really get things done? I mean, I literally watched so many Youtube videos about traffic methods... and I've been writing big lists of options. Constant multi-tasking here and there and everywhere! Well, you get the point. Not that I like complaining, but I just wish it isn't so time-consuming to do all these things.


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Hmm, pretty harsh. Don't worry, I'm not that naive.

I'm sorry that you feel that way but that's the ground reality!

Use your gals and pals, for spreading the word.

Again, if stories are not "copy-paste" and "interesting", you will get your due recognition on the web sooner or later,hopefully sooner.

You started it as a part-time /free-time project and let it be that way.
Don't over expect, rather be reasonable.
Remember that fortunately or unfortunately in the world, which we live in,output seldom outperforms input.

On the web development side, ask someone(from x10 too) for help or "gang" up with someone.
I'm sure you will find someone who is keen enough to help you out.

Best of Luck !


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Mmhmm... okay. What would you say about the site though? On the foundation of a story site made in HTML and CSS, that is. Do most things look organized overall? Is the design satisfactory or too simplistic? Should some basic features be included? Are certain parts of the site annoying? I just want to see different opinions and see what else I can add in.


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Maybe it's because I'm old or just spend to long in front of the screen but white text, purple backaground, dark blue links and bright red highlights makes my eyeballs ache. The colour combination need a serious rethink, try here for inspiration Something else to consider as the content is intended to be read by humans it makes sense that it should be presented in a format that the human eye is comfortable with see this page for more

I have also seen the light of oblivion, it's on the top of the page right hand side... It's your website and you want people to stay so why put links to somebody elses website(s) on the home page? Unless you're getting paid for them I say ditch them. (the scrollbar is pretty naff as well).

One tweek to the content that may be useful is to offer it an alternative formats, such as an MP3 audio file either read by a single person or a group much like a radio play. Building upon that there is the storybook video style with succesion of static illustrations forming the backdrop to the voice over. This is where getting others involved helps because reading a book for tape is not as easy as you would think.

One word of warning if you do go down this path DON'T upload and use YouTube to embedd the content as doing this gives them certain permissions to use your material for thier financial gain.