excuse me for disturbation, but It is very important for me to know the reason and the future of this problem at this moment. I My site is actually correct and works fine; but it takes only some minutes, because I get euther mysql quessry disconnected, either the ebove message in loading the pages. to solve the mysql problem, I aded a sigle htm file loss from zen cart program, so the customer at least see an index.html instead of page not found, but even this strategy doesn't work as I see "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later. " even in index.html. the site becomes egain online some hours later!!!.
I have two othet domeins but because of these problems I didn't point stil the name servers to yours.
would you please inform me about the solution.
thank you
excuse me for disturbation, but It is very important for me to know the reason and the future of this problem at this moment. I My site is actually correct and works fine; but it takes only some minutes, because I get euther mysql quessry disconnected, either the ebove message in loading the pages. to solve the mysql problem, I aded a sigle htm file loss from zen cart program, so the customer at least see an index.html instead of page not found, but even this strategy doesn't work as I see "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later. " even in index.html. the site becomes egain online some hours later!!!.
I have two othet domeins but because of these problems I didn't point stil the name servers to yours.
would you please inform me about the solution.
thank you