Spending a lot of our money on the military doesn't really help either. What is so good about having a great military if all you have to do is aim a nuke to a country to keep them away. I would much rather spend money on schools so my nations could be regarded as a nation of intellectuals. Then eventually surpass everyone and create the super soldier serum, send the neanderthals into battle pumped with super steroids.
Very good point actually. It would be nice if we could focus more on improving our educational system. There is a little known part of the government which get VERY LITTLE money to develop. It's purpose is to create "Weapons that don't kill." Could you even imagine how much respect we would gain if after we went to war with another country...the majority of their troops went home unharmed? Just think of the trickle-down effects of this....it would definately rebuild our damaged reputation in many parts of the world.
Eventually the economic ties with those who we gain respect from will surpass the money we had to spend to win a war with very little or....possibly..no deaths. I truely believe that there are more people in the world who DON'T want to watch their sons and daughters...nephews, nieces, ect..ect.. die. I believe most people feel like pawns of their governments.
DNA created peacful life in the beginning...plants just swaying on the ocean floor...peacefully coesxiting...then it changed for some reason. Whichever god you believe in...or however you percieve it, added teeth and agression to the code of DNA. Ever since then we have been struggling to escape our animalistic tendencies. And economically based societies relfect the worst in human nature.
Greed is MOST definately a part of this. People have become VERY sophisticated in the way they choose to run society. Don't forget what Napolean said.....not sure if this is EXACTLY how he said it... "Religion is a great way to control the people." And one of the German Nazi's said.. "The more we do to you, the less we believe it's happening". In reference to Jewish people ofcourse.
Our individual ego and collective egos have led us down a path of brutality long enough. If we are ever to evolve to the point we can do what DNA/GOD/whatever or whoever, designed us to do...
that is to escape the planet just like we have tried to escape the forests and jungles. We are trying to find ways to continue ourselves based on an old, ancient, program DNA/GOD/whoever, whatever
coded long ago. And the main behavior of our economic system is based on continuation...obviously.
We have replaced hunting and gathering with technology....if you are honest about the fact that we are not just classified as animals, but actually act exactly as a wild animal acts, you will understand the fact that we used to be BRUTAL about making sure our clans were fed. Just as other animals do after they hunt down prey...if other animals try to take what is theirs, they will attack them. We did the same things. And we STILL have the same primal motivations which now are orbiting around our more "civilized societies".
I feel sad to watch the country I was born in fall to pieces in shallowness, greed, and selfishness.
America has never really had a plan. It's as if we just go with the flow. The world is going to fall apart a thousand times before we get it right I'm afraid. We have evolved quite a bit...but the animals which chased us in the past still chase us to this day. ONE DAY....we will not be our own worse enemies.
ONE DAY....all we will try to escape..the only thing chasing us, will be the one thing which has consistantly chased us from the very begeinning...and that is time.
I also believe there will be groups of people who manage to hold onto the abilty to utilize technology in a way that helps them leave the planet behind. And yes, there will be ALOT of people left behiind as well. The world economy will collapse. And from the ashes will rise a new genetically
engineered form of life. All we can do is hope they aren't like the borg. lol. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.
Who knows, maybe we will rebuild our world before it's too late? Maybe it really doesn't matter who is responsible for the fincancial crisis. And maybe everyone who posted why it happened, and who made it happen, are collectively correct. It was you, it was me, it was we. I sure would hate to be a leader in todays world. Religious conflicts....resources depleting....I sense a very strange revolution.
If you want me to be honest...I don't think we will ever make it off the planet if we don't make up for the horrors of the past and present. I don't think the rules of nature, as we know them on earth, are the same rules of a higer evolved species. I think greed only leads to a cancer like state...a barbaric canabalistic existense...one who thinks and has free will ...and continues on the same path we always have...will become like a parasite and destroy all which is needed to continue.
It's just another phase of societal evolution. We all play a tiny role in the theater..the theater we did not make. We are not spared the agonies of existense because we feel special. But we can work to fix problems...but how do you do that with so many opposing views?
For one..you invest in technology and education like there is no tomorrow. You provide EVERYONE with the same educational oppurtunites amd judge not the ones who can not obtain the same levels of sucess as others...we are all brothers and sistes under the Sun...the sun we did in fact come from. What's in us..is in the stars. Stop the genocide...stop the killing...and to be honest with you, start reprromming those of us born into societies which preach violence. It has been shown that people who are religiously fanatical....have a region in the brain that is infact, not well. They call it the god region or something like that. It's been classified as a mental illness.
Have pitty on those with mental illness..even though they would kill you and your family with not even a second thought. They have been taught nothing other than hate. And the monetary systems we all live in is consuming us all. We are letting that which we created consume us and people we don't even know.
Look what gets into the products we buy. Anyone who reads alot can tell you that we are being poisoned by companies with nothing more than money on their mind. Look what coorporations
do to villages.....or poor people who live on the mountains . Rivers and creeks get polluited...birth defects occur.
We are genetically engineering food...at one point they weren't even @#$@#$ telling us in America that we were eating food that was altered by scientists in a lab. We have become nothing more than a bunch of lab rats in many of their eyes. There was a scientist who worked for a company that made cosmetics. He went to a jail to find ppl to test the products on. As he walked into the prison for the first time he said that all he saw was a sea of skin....sounds like something a nazi might have said....
In the past, I never imagined I would be saying such things. But....the more I read, the more I learn, the more I see what is really happening.
Even Thomas Jefferson saw the dangers of big government.
I don't care if most people don't read this. But what I do care about....are the ones who do and can see past my typing errors...ect....the ones who know what I'm saying are the ones who have briught their minds past the breaking point...and reshaped the very way in which their brains function. The ones who will be leaders of the future. Our knowledge, and ability to add to it, is rapidly increasing. And it's time the few stop leading the many. Look where we have been taken so far. All the death...has to stop.