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Hey all I play this sweet online Role Playing Game called Torn City..

Torn City

This game is about 4 years old..
You commit crimes to gain experience to level up..
and go to the gym to train your stats to become the best..
Join a faction and join in on the organized crime and make millions..
Once you're level 10 you can make your own company..hire other players of the game..and work your way to making millions..or upgrade your company..and sell it for a profit..
Go into the auction house..stock market...make millions..
Torn City is probably my favorite online helps me escape reality..and is another way of life..
It truly is fun..and I hope that if you try enjoy it as well..
If you join..and need some help or some extra cash or something..I will gladly exchange for some credits on here..
PM me your username if you do join..if you get to level 3 I will ask you to join my company..and if you do..I could pay you credits on here as well as a simple bonus..
All I am trying to say..that it is an awesome game..that is good to escape the real does start out slow..doing crimes and trying to get noticed..but all you have to do is join a the organized crimes with them..and stick with it..once you get to level 3 and 5 it gets really interesting...
Well thats all I have to say about Torn City..and I do hope some of you try to play it and enjoy it..
I enjoy it..thats why I decided to write an Off-Topic thread about it
Thanks all and see you around