Hey essellar, where can I find info like this? Or is it a learn as you go type of thing?
It's mostly learn-as-you-go. It helps to keep an eye on the Free Hosting support forum -- sometimes the admins have to make turn-on-a-dime decisions to stave off the current
en vogue method of gaming the system, so the changes are reflected in answers to "I didn't change anything, so what happened" questions before the documentation (what there is) is updated. And keep an eye on the "News and Announcements" as well -- they do try to give us a heads-up whenever they can. (And the limits for file size are in the multi-MB territory in either case, so we're talking lossless audio, video, badly-thought-out Flash -- everything in one big SWF -- and EXEs. Not your average PHP script. Now, if you have an old database dump you need to upload, you might want to do it in pieces...)