So she goes on a holy crusade (backed and funded by Jack Thompson, of course) to prevent one of the most popular entertainment mediums in the world from making anything a two year old couldn't play...
And so the entertainment industry agrees. The world is taken by storm, Jack Thompson's face is all over TV, radio, newspaper about his victory of justice.
Sounds familiar......Smoking is the end of the world, someone goes on a crusade and all of a sudden it's "I'll Sue".
You can't say "God" in school! That offends me. I'll sue.
Special interest groups are the real problem here. Cindy Sheehan and her crusade against the Preaident. Look at the press that got. Look at the press all these school shootings get.
Now look at the press the soldiers in Iraq get when they actually help a family over there. Oh. Wait. That doesn't happen.
A lot of you haven't seen what a couple of different generations of kids were like. I have. I have watched kids today that would have been beat blind by my parents for their behavior. Today, they're called "troubled" or "special" or "sensitive". They're sent to a "timeout". They're given prescription drugs to alter their behavior. They see therapists. (And before you say anything about my abusive parents, I'm 45 years old, have never had any trouble with the law, never even had a speeding ticket and have never even been pulled over in 29 years of driving.)
I cannot remember a day when I was a kid where I heard someone had the idea to shoot a classful of kids and teachers. And we had kids bring guns to school. They were out hunting and came back in time for school and left the rifles in their cars in the school parking lot.
I don't know if kids are mimicking what they see glorified on TV or if TV and movies and games glorify actual behavior that the kids then mimick. Kids have changed drastically in their behavior from when I was a kid.
In one way I do blame the games. I remember the funny story about San Andreas a couple years back where their code was stolen and released on the internet early. Oh the shock. A game about (and named) "Grand Theft" stolen! The games don't have encoded messages but kids do pick up on the idea and then they see how the stuff is glorified in real life. How many Columbine massacres were there before Columbine and how many cropped up after the media plastered it all over the airwaves?
A lot of the blame goes to parents. The parents who are either too busy too lazy or just don't care to step up and teach their kids right from wrong. (I do this, quite often for my kids and one is 21 years old and still gets lectured!) The ones that are scared of the law and social services. If you're disciplinig your kids and not breaking the law, you have nothing to fear except that little Johnny might be angry with you.
Well, that's my $.02. It won't buy you a cup of coffee but I just get so tired of the "Kids will be kids" answer when something really bad happens. They get that influence from somewhere and they're not being taught right from wrong.