Hmm mine is no longer working again. I am guessing my IP changed back to one the script that thinks I'm on a proxy or VPN disliked
With hughesnet a lot of the time my dynamic IP's originate from Texas but at the moment its Woodburn, OR. Also you should still be able to access your FTP directly. It lets me so that would let you backup your files. If you have something like wordpress installed you could still login to the admin panel of that and install a plugin to make a database backup. It's only the cPanel that I can't access.
Also it's affecting many members judging from the other threads so it might take a bit for them to correct it or find the underlying issue. I use to be a prime subscriber before I sold my previous domain and closed my account but usually the site wont be lost and they can un-suspend it if you hit the inactivity period during the time-frame. The staff here is usually pretty fair but does have to deal with a lot of abusers. It just might take time since this is the free hosting and paid hosting members will get support first but I wouldn't loose hope if you did nothing wrong. =)