There's some real ignorance on display amongst some of the flash hater replies here. In reality the new functionality offered by html5 (e.g video, local storage, sockets etc) was available in flash over 7 years ago, and many versions back.
Flash will always have an advantage in adding new technology, and being able to to update players quickly to use it, over the extremely slow pace of w3c advances. By the time html5 browsers are common enough that most people can use the features, it will be 10 years behind what flash does.
It is of course correct that many simple interactive elements do not now need flash, but cutting edge advances (e.g peer to peer video such as used by chatroulette) that push forward the boundaries of what can be done on the web will always need plugins like flash or silverlight
Alex, there is nothing impressive at the html5 apple demo's, these are like childrens work done in flash last decade, look at the sites on, these are the pinnacle of talent and creativity on the web. Also have a look at these kind of advanced web experiences can only be done by the best flash developers