(in chronologic order)
Intelivision (actually, it was dads), Nintendo (the first one), Super NES, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Colour, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, PS2, GBSP
My dad had a NES and we found an Atari 2600 in the Basement, we had a SNES later. But mine was a Play Station. Several day later, I recieved the special editon Pokemon Stadium N64.
I'm an old guy (not really, I'm 32. But you guys make me feel ancient, lol...).
My first computer that was actually mine (given as a christmas gift) was an Apple IIe clone called a Lazer, complete with a monochrome (green and black) screen.
my first system was gameboy, ya, i owned i guess, but you can only own bad ai so many times . But the first time i really OWNED! was SNES i guess, but my parents did give me some challenge. And still to this day my mom > me in super mario world... She is a beast at that game lol.