The only bad thing is it's name, 'The Awesome Bar'.
That name's cool, what's wrong with it? It's really useful, it is awesome (joke, but you try to come up with a better name, it's not easy

Mozilla FireFox 3.0 is the best
Good man, couldn't have put it better myself

I don't think it sucks; it's getting better. The only problem is the crap support for web standards, which just doesn't work. I think Microsoft need to ditch their old MSHTML rubbish and just let the older pages break. Maybe allow 2 versions of IE to run simultaneously, one for the older sites and one for the newer?
If you used Vista you wouldn't have to use any annoying crappy browser kludge to get updates.
Technically IE is still a core part of Windows, and parts of it need to be installed and working to get updates. Delete the IE folder / rename it or whatever from another OS (Ubuntu LiveCDs will do) and then try to update. But at leasy you don't need to use that disorganised MS Update site, that is one of the most illogical layouts ever. Why do you need to review the updates before you install? Custom and Express? Why? Just make it one click, or have an options panel to select updates to hide or ignore. Or better still, make a basic addin for control panel which updates without that awful web based rubbish.