I would perfer to use Ubuntu as my primary OS, but none of the software I use runs on it, so I have my computer dual booted with Ubuntu and XP. I use Ubuntu for any task it can accomplish. If I could I would run android, Ubuntu and XP.
Ubuntu and Windows 7 in double boot. Both at home and at work.
Mostly use Ubuntu, and only boot with Windows 7 for Adobe Illustrator, or some games basically.
I'm sure Ubuntu will become widely used if they keep improving it the way they did the last few years!
Lot's of fun to come!
Let me help! Let me help! Pwetty pwease? With a GDT on top?I'd rather use my own OS...
Which I am working on making as of now, with the help of a few friends.![]()
As long it's Window, I'm happy.
Forget about viruses.
Is your system unstable?
Linux protects your computer.
Don't pay $100 for your operating system.
When the system has installed, why would you still need to install stuff?
Forget about drivers.
Update all your software with a single click.
Why copy software illegally if you can get it for free?
Need new software? Don't bother searching the web, Linux gets it for you.
Jump into the next generation of desktops.
Does your digital life seem fragmented?
Choose what your desktop looks like.
Why does your Windows get slower day after day?
Do something for the environment.
No back doors in your software.
Enjoy free and unlimited support.
Too many windows? Use workspaces.
No big mess in your start menu.
Don't wait years for bugs to be solved; report and track them down.
Are you tired of restarting your computer all the time?
Let your old computer have a second life.
Play hundreds of games for free.
Help other countries, and your own.
Use MSN, AIM, ICQ, Jabber, with a single program.
Get a great music player.
Keep an eye on the weather.
Well i chose "Other Linux Distribution" since i'm using Fedora remix called Fusion Linux, it's really great. The system comes with TON of free and open source tools for graphics and video editing and much more. You can visit this site for more info about this amazing distribution:
I'm kinda promoting the distribution here, i hope that the mods won't punish me, i have to do my part...:wink:
Microsoft has a lot more free software available.