You need to Buy it
Yes I know
But I don't wanna buy it. Some reasons are
1. Either I'm too poor or its too expensive to buy it.
2. I don't wanna buy because I'm already running it on one of my laptop and that's too for free. (pre installed)
3. I have got whenever I want it from school and now probably the same thing will happen in college.
4. I know I will get it when I'll be back in my town and join college, make new friends. You know how and for what cost (don't wanna write it here). :biggrin:
Besides some friends told me that we need to buy a new laptop and pay for all essential software and latest operating system even we have all that in our home, so my money will be wasted if I'll buy it now.
One more reason. I don't have any credit card :frown: